
What will happen to the British pound when the U.S dollar collapses?

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I mean collapse as in when the U.S goes into economic depression.




  1. Since US is still one of the major economies, its will have a significant impact on the rest of the world. Look at it now, the economic crisis/problems in US are causing the rest of the world to suffer, so logically the collapse of US dollar will bring down other currencies as well. Invest in gold - the tangible kind. And to those that feel US is in someway insured against a depression - HA!!! Right, the gov is here to help you, and make your life grand, they just can't wait to accommodate your every need... HAHA

  2. First off, the US is probably not going to go into a depression (it's technically we are not even in a recession and signs are already pointing to a recovery).  Second, even if it does fall into a depression, the US dollar won't collapse as a result of just a simple depression.  Third, too much of the world's economy hinges on the US economy and, therefore, the other world governments won't let the US dollar collapse (they would rather shore up our currency by buying it with theirs).

    Lastly, when (not if) the US dollar dissolves, it is much more likely that it will be blended in with the Euro rather than the British Pound and, by that time, the pound will have probably already dissolved into the Euro as well.

  3. What collapse?

    Safeguards are in place to stop a full depression.

    You will just have to ride the wave just like everyone has in the last 70 or so years since the real depression taught us how to avoid it.

    The English pound has problems too, but not as bad, they aren't as dependent on the U.S. dollar as the Philippines and other countries are.

  4. that will not happen......not in anyway.  There are a few problems that need fixed, but its not broken that bad

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