
What will happen to the Filipinos if the Americans hadn't came ?

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The Americans once came to the Philippines to colonize.

How will culture, economy, technology differ if they hadn't came? how will it be if the FIlipinos are still under the Americans right now? what are the advantages & disadvantages?




  1. They will one day discover their greatness in natural resources and think they are in the most perfect garden of the world, here's hoping they can live in peace.

  2. Advantages would be you would probably be a lot like Japan, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam...

    Can't think of a disadvantage since all those nations are free and independent except the fact that they were under our wing made their economy sky rocket faster in the few years we were there than their entire history.

    Culture would be pretty much the same since the last time I was there in the Philippines I found it quite funny how Filipinos try and imitate the culture of the US so much and how everyone thought I was so cool cuz I was white. I mean it was pretty flattering but at the same time quite funny.

    Now if we never would have came though. Well Spain would have come with another fleet killed any form of resistance and you guys would be speaking Spanish. Well you guys kinda already speak a bit of Spanish since a lot of your words are Spanish but I mean like 100% like Latin America.

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