
What will happen to the USA when it can not rely on oil from the middle east?

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Where are the wells in the USA.

What about water fuel.

Whe gets the tech from the space shuttle, who cares about the space shuttle.

Where is the USA cure for anything on this earth that has come from space.

Is it all a game, sure as h**l is it.

They can spot from space all the major oilfileds, 3 d siesmec is a joke, they no the big finds in Africa already and the rest of the world.

The shuttle is an oil finder and always has been.




  1. They will have to pay more for their gas like everybody else. The good times are over for them.

    A few more nuclear reactors would have been a good idea, but the greenies put a stop to that.

  2. I think they're secretly looking for oil on Mars.

  3. I think you will find they are sitting on quite a bit of their own, while using what's in the Middle East.

    There's oil under Mexico and they are a lot nearer the Falklands than us.

    Practically pinging the planet for oil from outer space is a pretty good idea, so almost certainly you're right that the shuttle is used for that purpose.

    Hydrogen fuel cells running on water is a probable technology that's been talked about for years. I would question whether there is enough water available to run a Country never mind the planet and would the side effects be perma fog?

  4. The U.S. has several options, which will be driven into action by the marketplace. There are all kinds of technical options, and the skill exists to use them once the economics make sense. The real question is, what will happen to the Middle East?

  5. We have plenty of oil here in America.......We are just using oil from the Middle East right now.  There is plenty of oil in Alaska, but the environmentalists are fighting to keep us from drilling there because they don't want it to ruin the habitat for the animals living there.........Eventually, we will be forced to drill there.  Currently, the government has just approved offshore drilling in the ocean and that's what they will drill first.  

    There is oil in Colorado as well, but not enough to supply the entire nation.

  6. What is exactly is your question?  This seems more of a spout of your ideas than anything with any validity.

    The US will do what it's ALWAYS done in the face of adversity...adapt, improvise, overcome...

  7. no, the real question is what will happen to us?

  8. There is plenty of oil in Canadian oil sands, and production from this source is increasing.  There is an enormous amount available in Colorado oil shales, but it is not yet economical to produce oil from this source.  Given adequate power (nuclear reactors), hydrogen can be made from water and combined with carbon from any of various sources (e.g., coal) to make liquid fuels -- but this would be costly.  The biggest problem is political: there is lots of oil in the US that is off-limits for present production.  The oil shortage is costing the US economy a billion dollars a day -- but no caribou in the ANWR need look at an oil rig.

  9. You are so confused.

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