
What will happen to this person?

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I know someone that works at a grocery store and he buys alcohol for his friends that are also employees there under 21. Could he ever get in trouble with his job if his managers found out that he was doing this? What would happen? btw, he's 23 and his friends are 18 and under.




  1. This is a phil question...but OK.  If his underage friends get into trouble...he is responsible.  Is this you youa re taling about...if so...find older friends.  Why bother with the headaches.

  2. He could lose his job and be charged for supply alcohol to minors.

  3. Obviously he'd get in trouble with his job.

  4. time.worrying about the dropping of the soap

  5. not only could he get in trouble with his jobs but also with the law. He should get some older friends.

  6. He should be reported as selling alcohol to under 18 is an offence

  7. He can be arrested.  He would pay a serious fine, and might do jail time.  The store could lose its license to sell beer, and could face fines of its own. The store would most definitely fire the person that cost them in this way.

    If one of his friends has a wreck and is injured or killed while drunk on the beer he provided, then he could face criminal charges that put him away for years and leave him with a felony conviction that will follow him until he dies.

  8. If the managers found out, he would likely be fired.  If the authorities find out he will be going to court and possibly jail.

  9. I don't know that he could lose his job, or the grocery store would have any problems with this situation, as long as the "over 21" and "under 21s" are all off premise when the alcohol is consumed, and they do not come to work hindered from it.

    It is entirely a law enforcement matter.  It is just a coincidence that he happens to work for the company he is also buying from.  Now if he was stealing it, it would be a different matter, but since he is over 21, legally purchasing it,  and consuming it off premise then he should be safe with his job, unless the police get a search warrant and find him supplying the minors with the alcohol then his job is the least of his worries.

  10. Well, since this is posted under the philosophy heading, I suppose we should define the nature of "trouble".  Is it merely receiving a consequence, or is it actually feeling guilt, remorse, or pain as a result of your choices?  

  11. he will lose his job and go to prison if he is caught.

    if someone dies because they got drunk on alchol he bought for them he will go to prison for that.or if they cause an accident and kill someone else or die themselves he will be charged for that also.

    its not worth it,tell your friend to stop this right now ,it is a really bad idea.good luck.

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