
What will happen tomorrow?

by  |  earlier

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Not that I'm depressed or anything.

Just what I'm listening to at the moment.




  1. I predict, with absolute certainty that the world will not end.

  2. Now we know--you know since it is now tomorrow and all


  3. Chances are we will all be back here again answering the same old, same old 'questions.'

  4. nothing...because tomorrow will never get here.  By then it will be today....

  5. first day of college....and most likely have an orgy  :D

  6. There will be weather conditions of some kind.

  7. There is no tomorrow, because after today, the next day will be Today

  8. The same mediocre stuff that happened the past two days, followed by a small crisis - and then back to absolute nothingness..............

  9. i will go to prison (school).

  10. The sun will rise

  11. Unknown.  The Earth could stop existing for all I know.

  12. Homework for me... lets see, trig and an essay.... sux

  13. Life, love, and the pursuit of crappiness.

    Same as every day, except the days I throw french fries at unsuspecting pedestrians in traffic.

    The french fries always have ketchup on them.

    Those are the good days...

  14. Another day, another dollar.

  15. Not exactly the same things that happened today.

  16. Mary, the Great Mother of God, will be loved, honored and venerated by many Catholics throughout the world, in addition to some Protestants and Muslims.

    God bless!


  17. I will go home from work, go to sleep for a few hours then get up and work again.

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