
What will happen when I return to UK?

by  |  earlier

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When I left London, I had an unpaid credit card bill. It's been several years, and I want to know what situation I can expect to find when I get back. It wasn't huge, less than 10k. What will happen to me if I come back to London and try and open a bank account or start working? How can I track down my debt and find out who I owe and how much (I assume the company has sold off the debt by now) ? Will I face any criminal charges? Where can I get some reliable information?

Please help




  1. When you say several years, exactly how many years is it?

    In the UK a debt is paid in full after being dormant for 7 years.

    If as much as 1p has been paid during that time, then the seven years starts from the date of the last payment.

    If you wish for more info, email me, no probs and good luck  

  2. No criminal charges apply, but you may well have trouble getting credit, credit cards or a mortgage.  It will still be on record.

  3. Depends how many years it is since you left, if it is over 6 years you are not liable for the debt, if it is less you are liable - but only if you acknowledge it, so ignore it if it's very nearly six years. You should be able to open a bank account , but avoid the bank that you were with before and accept that you wont get a lot of credit, your work shouldn't be affected but you wont be able to go into a profession or anything like the civil service as you will have to declare that you've had county court judgements against you .If you want to pay it back get onto one of the credit reference companies, they should know who holds your debt, please be aware that the amount that you owe is likely to have doubled due to costs.You shouldn't face criminal charges unless you were suspected of fraud before you left, i.e. the bank wrote to you saying that they were going to pursue criminal charges for fraud.When you get back contact the c.a.b. or the consumer credit service for more information.

  4. Of course you'll face criminal charges.  It is theft.

  5. Yikes! thats no good, youre credit rating is now shot, youre gonna struggle to get a mortgage or loan in the future.

    and to top it all off, you may even be in trouble with the law

  6. SimoN says

    ohhhh u fuked buddy fuked

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