
What will happen when a gallon of gas is more than the minimum wage?

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What will happen when a gallon of gas is more than the minimum wage?




  1. Your answer is coming!...

  2. If united states and Israel attack Iran gas prices will GO UP TO $10 per gallon.

  3. There will be rioting in the streets ......what will most likely happen is retail establishments that aren't named WalMart will all go out of business.  Movie theaters will close and so will higher priced restaurants.  All that will be left will be Gas Stations, Grocery Stores, Fast Food and of course WalMart.  Amusement Parks will have shorter operating seasons....or close completely.  No one will go anywhere on vacation, etc.  Then maybe when the Big Retail Corps start declaring bankruptcy someone with power will do something about this price gouging.

  4. We the US will become another third world country like they have in southern Africa .

  5. Then lots of people will stop using cars. Lots of carpooling. Less-than-weekly trips into town to get groceries. Everything will increase in price [after all... takes gas to stock stores.]

    Bus fare will probably increase too, but not as much as a gallon of gas.... So buses will probably get more business.

    Maybe the "obseity problem" will get better because of more people having to walk or ride bikes... Or maybe they won't buy as much food because they have to buy gas. Or they won't eat out as much.

    Heck, I own a horse! I could just ride him everywhere. That'll keep us both in shape. :) Plus, I live in an Ag state, so horses have the right of way [just like bikers] on the roads... Now, if only all the other drivers on the road would just remember that....

  6. The price of everything will increase.

  7. The minimum wage will go up because employers will have a hard time hiring people.

  8. then we will all be fitter as we will have little option than to walk, if gas prices get that high so will public transport

  9. everbody will start carpooling to save gas, using bus transportation, walking to thier destinations, and we will start relaying on science and engineering for other forms of transportation

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