
What will happen when the Sun gives up the ghost? Do you think it will get America or China first?

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What will happen when the Sun gives up the ghost? Do you think it will get America or China first?




  1. If the Sun gives up the ghost then it will get the entire Earth all at same time.

  2. It'll destroy china first, then we Americans will  be able to enjoy havin the whole planet to ourselves for the next 12 seconds until it destroys the rest of the planet.

  3. When the sun dies, the earth will be destroyed and I doubt it will make much difference which part of the planet goes first.

    Incidentally the earth will become uninhabitable long before the sun dies!

    The sun is getting hotter, but that has to do with the nuclear reactions and it is a slow and gradual process.

    In the core of the sun, it makes energy by hydrogen fusion.

    4H atoms make 1 He which leads to less particles in the core, so the pressure drops. The reason the sun doesn't just collpase under gravity is that the gas has pressure which counteracts gravity. If the pressure drops, the core contracts.

    This converts potential energy to kinetic energy, so

    the core gets hotter and denser. The rate of nuclear fusion is temperature dependent. A hot core means that more H atoms are fused to make He every second - to the sun gets hotter and brighter (and in fact bigger).

    As core shrinks, outer layers expand.

    Hotter core heats envelope, increasing its pressure and causing it to expand. Radius increases

    The sun has increased in temperatre and radius by only 6% in the last 5 billion years, but the luminosity has increased by 40%. This process means that in 1 or 2 billion years, the earth will no longer inhabit the "goldilocks" zone, and it will be too hot to sustain life (as we know it)

  4. Sorry but there is NO SUCH THING AS 5 "BILLION" YEARS.........

    THE UNIVERSE IS JUST 6000 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Dont and again DONT listen to all these retarded scientists... they dont know ****!!!!!!!!!!

    Did you know that DINOSAURS lived with humans??? and it wasnt 65 "million" years ago... it was 4000 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and these scientists are hiding it, because it will INTERFER their BIG BANG and EVOLUTION theory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    actually there were no DINOSAURS, they were our modern animals but in bigger sizes... everything at that time was HUGE because of the PURE OXYGEN!!!!!!!!

    Read the Bible, dont listen to those atheist scientists..... THEY WILL BRAINWASH YOU!!!!!!!

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