
What will happen when the oil runs out?

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What will happen when the oil runs out?




  1. don't worry, you won't be alive anyway.

  2. When the oil runs out, there is nothing left in the engine to lubricate the moving parts.  Most commonly, your pistons, which move up and down, will not have the lubrication to move, and will get stuck.

  3. Just pop down to Halfords and buy a new can...

  4. in your crankcase? the engine will make grinding and scraping noises and then freeze up. it will probably be unrepairable.

  5. pistons and rings heat up and start to melt, leading to catastrophic engine failure

  6. If you mean the oil in your car runs out? Then the answer is that your car engine will just stop running because all of the moving parts are all stuck up. Now if you mean the petroleum supply has already run dry there so many source of renewable energy that would replace fossil fuel. What we should be concern about is if the source of potable water has run dry because of pollution, what do think will happen? The inevitable have already began.

  7. we will all squeek

  8. I wouldn't worry about the global energy crisis regarding world oil supplies, because soon our cars will be running on puppies and kittens.

  9. We will burn greasy people.

  10. It wont run any time soon, and by tat time alternatives fuels will be invented, and become more common, look at ethanol.

    America has vast reserves of oil, in Alaska it has enough oil to bring the cost of a barell to $00.10 and would be enought for Americas demand for the next twentry years, but it will never use its own oil, and will try to come up with alternative fuels.

  11. When oil runs out it wont really matter because new energy vehicles are being developed.  Cars can run on hydrogen extracted from water with water pure enough to dring coming out of the exaust pipe.  Solar energy can be used for boats as has been proven by two engineers from Cornwall.  Oil scarcety is being used to scare us but when you think about it we can live without it and it is only the oil companies that are surpressing the new technology because they don't want to lose the profits and the Arab states will be the poorest countries when oil does run out because all they will be left with is sand.  Don't worry we will survive and the planet Earth will be healthier for it..

  12. the engine will lock up and the bearings will go out.

  13. Hopefully by then we'll have enough renewable energy sources to keep making electricity... if not the the whole human race will have to go back to its primative ways. I hope you like living in a cave!

  14. seafood will run out in 2048 (says some statistic). What will happen then?

  15. Runs out of what?

  16. Use sand or sawdust, that'll soak it up

  17. What happens when you have no blood?

  18. the oil won't run out in our lifetime or your kids and their kids lifetime, there is still plenty of oil in this world and the U.S has more oil in it alone than all of Saudi Arabia but were not allowed to drill for it because we might harm the carnivirous skinny worm in our soil, quit believing what the oil companies want you to believe.

  19. The same thing that we did for Y2K. Remember that?

    we are in this situation because of the morons in congress!!!!!!!!!!!

    No one else is to blame. These people have been lining their pockets with money from the lobbyists for years.

    They are the one's responsible for our current problems.

    Their is plenty of oil.

    Youtube the "energy non crisis". Sit down watch and learn what is really going on.      

  20. Cheney and his ilk all die.  Good riddance.

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