
What will happen when we pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan?

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Lay your political, social, and religious beliefs aside.

When do you think we will pull out of Afghanistan?

When do you think we will pull out of Iraq?

Will we ever pull out of either nations or both nations?

What will happen if/when we pull out?




  1. the terrorist r gonna get worse with no1 trying to stop them

  2. If we pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan, we will cause the exact same problems we had after we drove the Russians out of Afghanistan during the Afghan War. We have not completely set up a stable government and as soon as we pull out it will collapse having another tyrannical ruler filling Sadaam Hussien's position. We must wait until they can survive alone and we have already pulled more than 25% of our military out of both countries.

  3. When the young one with self lack of knowledge.

    Woke up having found themselves in their own mickey mouse trap.

    Exodus 23.32

    Running for their lives

    Shedding off self image of standing idol.

    Being oppressed with oppression and slavery by the dead Mummy with the Book of the Dead.

    Exodus 23.24

    Getting themselves kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy in kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  4. I think most of America would like the answer to this included the president and also the canidates running now but to be honest no one knows but God! What do i think will happen I think that will determine who pulls the troops out and how they go about doing it.

  5. - Not soon enough.

    - Not soon enough.

    - Probably not.

    - I don't care.

    *signed, a decorated combat veteran from multiple foreign land shooting wars


  6. If we pull out of the middle east. Al Qeada will take that s**+* over and then come after us again

  7. It depends if the governments we leave behind are strong enough to maintain control.  Iraq is looking quite promising.  Afghanistan may take longer.  Once the focus on Iraq can be lessened, perhaps we can focus on getting Afghanistan back on track.  Of course, we may be in a war with Iran by then, if Iran continues its nuclear program and with its threats to destroy Israel.

  8. Decades from now, when the US pulls out of Iraq and Afghanistan:

    When do you think we will pull out of Afghanistan?

    When the oil runs out.

    When do you think we will pull out of Iraq?

    When the oil runs out.

    Will we ever pull out of either nations or both nations?

    Within the next few decades.

    What will happen if/when we pull out?

    Since the US is providing no security outside the green zones and the strategic resource areas, the population as a whole will not be affected by a pull out. Some traitors will be delt with, of course. Right now, there is inadequate sewage, clean water, or medical care. That will improve after the US pulls out.

  9. We'll get another terrorist attack and then i can laugh at all the idiots who think that us getting out is a good idea.

  10. I think western democracy is not a concept Muslim countries want.  I also think our nation building and policing is a lose-lose proposition.  Free market trade, and emergency assistance are the right policies.  I think there are too many people of high influence in our country that have great financial and power connections that will use the good name of United States to line their pockets, and we will be stuck in the quagmire for decades.  

    Middle class America will continue to be doped on pop culture entertainment while our God given rights addressed in the Constitution will be swallowed up in "One World philosophy.

  11. it will cease the unrest.

    US will never want to get out because both countries have loads of oil...yummy, US like it toooooo'll keep gulping...ummm.

    nothing will happen one would have attacked US in first place if it had not triggered it.


  12. about 2 or 3 weeks later well relized it was to late and shes pregnant.

    damnit should pulled out sooner

  13. when we pull out we *** on there chest

  14. i dont know

    i dont know

    ...thats kinda the same question

    well when we pull out there there will probly be a civil war

  15. Never

    We have been in Korea, Germany and Italy for 50 and 60 years

  16. nothing will happen....Americans live in a world of fear.  Terarisom to a great extend affected almost all countries in the world.

  17. You're in Afghanistan because Bush claimed he had evidence that Osama bin Laden was responsible for 9/11 and he was in Afghanistan.  The Afghans offered to hand him over on production of the letter and Bush invaded instead.  He was panicked at the thought of having the fate of the scion of his Saudi owners through funding in his hands after allegations like that.  Also Afghanistan had been blocking a planned pipeline through its territory to allow tankers to load oil without entering the Gulf - sheer coincidence that the OK for it was virtually the first act of the new puppet government.

    Quickly though, ObL was trapped in the Afghan-Pakistan border mountains and capture was imminent.  Again Bush panicked and looked for a distraction in Iraq.  He can't look like he's doing nothing to catch ObL, but equally  he can't afford to actually catch him.  

    You will, therefore, be there at least until the GOP goes.  After that, who knows.  As another answerer has said Afghanistan is unstable - that's what you formed al Qaeda for in the first place when the Soviet Union was in there.  Your record though, is to cause chaos and destruction then walk out and leave it to others to clean up your mess.

    In Iraq, you installed and supported Saddam to repress the Shia majority in the oil-rich south to prevent them allying with, and to act as a wedge between the Shia of oil-rich Iran and the oil-rich northern region of Saudi.  Any encouragement or assistance to the SA Shia to throw off the extremely brutal repressive Islamic dictatorship which owns the GOP would, of course be disastrous, even though it was they and the US who nurtured al Qaeda, and virtually all of the 9/11 culprits were Saudi.

    Again, there is no way you will move from there under GOP leadership.  I also very much doubt whether Obama will be allowed to withdraw - I think you'll be there till the oil runs out.

    If you do pull out, Afghanistan will revert to the collection of petty fiefdoms which prevailed before and Iraq will probably divide along the lines of the denominational rivalries which the US has carefully kindled.

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