
What will happen whwn a magnetic compass is placed in space or on moon?

by  |  earlier

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  1. well I think, the compass will point on the direction where there is the greatest magnetic field or force, depending on your distance, uhm.. on the moon I think maybe it will point somewhere but it would be weak, and as what I said point on the direction of the greatest magnetic force, field.  

  2. The moon doesn't have a magnetic field, so the compass won't work.

    In most places in space it won't do anything either, but near Jupiter it will, as Jupiter has a very strong field which extends into the space around it.

  3. any were away from a magnetic field as it would be in deep space it would do nothing as the needle would not be attracted in any direction.

  4. Nothing would happen in space.

    But when I read your question it reminded me of early moon research.

    When Apollo started researching ways to land on the moon, they discovered  "mascons". These are high magnetic consentrations present in the moon's crust. They would definately make a compass move. Heres a map of them:

  5. In space it won't work! On the Moon it might!

  6. The magnetic field on Earth is caused by the movement of the outer core, a mixture of iron and nickel which are both magnetic metals. The moon has no liquid core and so it has no magnetic field. In space it depends where you put it. If the magnet is near a magnetar (a type of magnetic star), the compass will align itself to the star's magnetic field. I think there may be  few other objects in space that have magnetic fields but mostly, a magnet will not point anywhere in particular in space.

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