
What will happen with all the people that die in the next 100 years?

by  |  earlier

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There are over 6.5 billion people on the earth right now. In the next 100-120 years or so, most if not all of these people will be dead. Where will they have room to bury all the bodies?




  1. cremation

  2. Don't worry they'll all be turned into soylant green, And now they have six new flavors to choose from!

  3. Well if everyone dies, then who cares, right?

  4. hI want to be berried standing up to take up less room. Then they can put someone over me in the future. Some will be cremated. some eaten. but even so  6.5 billion people  are more people than have died up to now. Yet they do not take up much space, I heard we could all live in Texas with room to spare, but how want to live in Texas-besides Texans?

  5. - They wont die all at the same die

    - Some will be cremated

    - The buried bodies will decompose

    - The worms will have a field day...

  6. Well I have a plot of ground so I'm ok!!!!!!!!!


    The ashes can be put in the sea and stuff when someone is burnt. Generally there is not a lot of ash. Put them in the sea :) X

  7. It is a good question, cemeteries at the moment are overcrowded in England. If people are cremated then this isn't such a problem. A lot of cemeteries are just giving smaller plots away with much less room then used to be available.

  8. Soylent Green stocks will go up.

  9. The majority of us will probably be cremated. I want to be in a mausoleum.

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