
What will happen with federer?

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is roger federer not considered a good tennis player. will fed hav to get a regular job if hes not # 1




  1. Are you serious?  =)  Of course he is a good tennis player, he was ranked one and now he is going to be ranked second.  Considering all the tennis players, I would love to be ranked top ten if I played tennis.  He held his ground, but Nadal is younger, but almost lost.  Actually, the only reason Federer probably lost is because he had probably triple the amount of unforced errors of Nadal.  But, to answer your question shortly, he is a good tennis player, and will probably continue to play.

  2. Are you kidding me? Did you see the phenomenal tennis he played yesterday? Almost won that match and came back to win 2 sets. Incredible. He's not number 1 in the world for nothing.

  3. He is better than a "good tennis player"

    I think he'll be one again very soon.

  4. You have to be kidding, right.  First off, Roger earned about 20 million from tennis alone, that doesn't even count all the tv ads and commercials he does worldwide. (Tennis is comparably more popular in most countries).  

    Roger made it to 2 grand slam finals. Who else can say that? Oh yes, Nadal.  But that's it. 2 guys out of millions of tennis players who dream of playing at Wimbledon or the French or Aussie Open or US Open... which Roger will win this year.

  5. He will win all the rest of the games for next 20 years!!

  6. He might lose his #1 ranking, but he is still a great tennis player.  And I think he will win the US Open this year.

  7. I no i mean i can not belive that he lost to nadal!!! OMG!!!

  8. Roger will win the US open and the masters at the end of the year and he will keep his number one ranking  but now he knows that nadal is getting better and better every day and i honestly think nadal will one day take over roger but that will be another 2-3 years

  9. he i still number 1

  10. Let's not get ahead of ourselves with the "Roger will win US Open" talk.

    That's what most people on here said for Australian Open, French Open, and Wimbledon this  year.

    I'm not saying he won't/can't win, but think about it. Federer owned Wimbledon for five years and lost.

    It's premature to say he will win the US Open.

  11. as a fan..will support him all the way....

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