
What will have higher ratings: NFL or Mccain's speech???

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What will get better ratings tommorow night: Mccain's speech or the NFL if the NYG-WAS game goes long????




  1. McCain's speech

  2. Washington may be a political town, but they'd rather see the eternally cursed Redskins get skinned alive by the Giants (which is probably what will happen) than hear the "same old politics and same old policies" of John McCain and Sarah Palin.

    I go with the NFL and higher ratings.

    Yes, I'm from DC, but I roll with the Wizards...

  3. NFL.  Though the presidential race is important I know people just get tired of that stuff and will have the opportunity to hear about the race for the rest of the year so for right now, the NFL will have higher ratings.  Just my opinion.  

  4. Lets not make this section political.. I would hate to see all the limp wristed liberals start whining all the time in here.

  5. Let's see I could watch what should be a good football game or I could listen to McCain do his normal speech. Blah blah blah blah.....I was a POW.  Blah blah blah blah blah blah.....when I was a prisoner of war.  Blah blah blah...I forgot what I was going to say....blah blah blah...oh yea I have to go now my diapers are full.  Blah blah blah.

    I say watch the game.


  7. The game of course.

  8. Who is McCain? what Speach?

  9. mccain who? well if he's smart. he'll make the speech fast, so he can watch the game.  

  10. What genius scheduled his speech the same night as NFL Kickoff?

    My guess is the game gets higher ratings. I know I'm starving for football; while on the other hand it feels like the media has been talking about the 2008 election for about 4 years now.

    That's my 2 for 2.

  11. LOL


    bump that 100year old red neck

  12. NFL cuz unfourtaneatly not many people care about politics but who can blame em sports r more exciting

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