
What will humans look like 1 million years from now?

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Where will evolution take our species? What types of Natural Selection will take place?




  1. Humans aren't gonna be around for that long. The Earth will only last another 1000 or so years, if it's lucky. The sun will burn in less than a million years.

    Edit: by not lasting i meant.........the ozone layer will be exposed, air will be polluted and comtaminated, extreme heat and cold temperature.

  2. were all going to have 4000 arms.

  3. Might not be here to look like anything with all this global warming etc :)

  4. Same as today, evolution is still a theory, that is far from being proven.

  5. what that guy said was wrong the earth was made to last so earth will still be here but it wont be like how we know it now and yes humans will look the same our genes are well spread and evern people with diesese live. with all of our medication natural slection wont take place that ofthen

  6. Contrary to what some say,evolution is a fact,and to answer your question,one thing that most likely will happen is that men will be bald from birth to death,when garments are being made to protect the body ans head,the body itself does not need to protect itself so it stops producing hair,Brittany Spears is just a few centuries ahead of the rest of us

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