
What will i do to her?

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I have been very faithful with my girlfriend but yet she's always jealous. I couldn't hang out with my friends who happens to be girls. She checks my mails and phone. She's like big brother. We're together for 4 years. When i talk to a girl she'd be crazy mad.




  1. i know what you mean it happens to alot of us

    take a day or to out focus on her

    really really focus on her...

    if she asks just say you've thought things over...

    and you've just feel she deserves something special

    even when theres no reason for it...

    go from there dude youll be good...

    heres the part that will bum you out though...

    when people suspect others of cheating... there may be a chance she projecting stuff onto yourself...

    so you might want to check up on the guys she hangs

  2. You need to be firm and tell you don't appreciate that and if anything that will push you further away.

    She feels insecure and jealous, and that's what she's afriad of most...losing you.

    Make sure she feels loved and appreciated but when she acts all crazy lol..let her know it'll push you away.

  3. Tell her that she doesn't have you under she's command like she is the boss and you are the slave. Tell her that YOU are the man in charge. Just tell her that you need to relie on somebody else except her. She could come with you and call some friends and talk tothether at a cup of cola. Introduce her to your friends and make them her friends too.

    I hope it helped.  

  4. Kick that ***** to the curb

  5. The BLIND are always wandering around Blind ! You are not

    seeing things from where she stands.  She has put a lot in this

    relationship and a girl can see when girls are flirting with her man.

    You say they are friends but if your all still young , things do

    happen and usually can happen between friends.  She is

    protecting whats hers.  She can ease of if these girls were more

    like her friends too.  But if that is not happening, i don't like your

    chances of her backing of.

    If it is so important for you to have space of your own, you need

    to make that clear to her and you are in a serious relationship

    way too far ahead of your time.  Because clearly it is not what

    you want. You just have not had the nerve to tell her.

  6. Feel sorry for u, from personal exeperience, the problem will get worse, eventually u will have no life beyond her, u may even get used to that, solving this may take drastic steps, even if it means leaving now, Jealousy is not love, u are meally a possession, if u have already taken measures to resiolve the problem, if thats has not worked leave, thats ur only option. When a person keeps accusing u of things u dont do, eventually u will do it.

    Good Luck

  7. Maybe your girl friend doesn’t have any social life on her own? I mean it is very possible that YOU are all the social life she has.

    It happens many times when a girl gets seriously committed she thinks that she ought to leave her friends and concentrate all her efforts and emotions on her relationship and partner.

    So she probably doesn´t have any friends or mates who would do anything with her and meanwhile you hand out with your friends she sits at home and feels defrauded.

    She probably thinks why do you go out with friends, while she has left all hers for YOU.

    Of course this is a trap.

    She should not have left her fiends on one side and now she is alone.

    I guess you did not demand this from her…

    Make her see that it is normal for a person to have friends as well and that it is really no big fuzz to do sometimes separate things… she ought to hang out with her friends and you with yours… another day she could join your group and you hers and sometimes you could all hang out together… This way there won’t be any jealousy anymore.

    But you can’t expect your girlfriend to sit at home and wait for you meanwhile you have a good time.

    She has the same rights as you to enjoy life, dude.

    In the case she has lost the contact with her friends, you should animate her to reestablish these contacts and join new people as well.

  8. tell her if you cant trust

    me its over and be done

    with it

  9. Tell her that they are your friends and she has no right to control you with your friends. She has to trust you and being in a relationship where she wants to control you is wrong.

    It doesn't bother me that my girlfriend hangs out with guys. It shouldn't bother her either.

    Does she hang out with guys or have friends?

  10. omg.. is this my joseph?

    kinda sounds like me.. she probably may be cheating.. or a major leo.

    it doesnt mean shes insecure or anything. jus very demanding of your complete attention.. or shes just suspicious of u.

    sorry 2 say. it wont stop. its either u get used to it & tell her to do her digging in a way that it doesnt bother u too much or u leave it.

    good luck.

  11. ABORT!!!!!ABORT!!!!!ABORT!!!!!

  12. If you love her and it upsets her obviously because she loves you, then stop.

    She's doing it because, she is afraid you are going to leave her for a girl you meet or she's doing it because she hates the fact that you are showing your affection for other women.

    I'm the same way with my fiance, and she's the same with me.

    4 years? Shouldn't you have eyes for her only?

    I'd be mad if I were her, I don't know how she went 4 years like that.

    But just tell her that you have eyes for her only and they don't mean anything, explain to her how much you love her and try to cut back, it shouldn't be hard.

  13. my friend was in your situation. she'd always ask for our advice but she would never take it.

    in the end, it was about time that they broke up despite all the so-called love!! you know why? because this is an abusive relationship.

    I really don't care if you don't listen to me.  

  14. DUDE! either she's controlling,or cheating! ether way, get away from her!

  15. Hmm...sounds like she's insecure. She probably thinks you're going to leave her for those other girls. Just tell her that you don't plan on leaving her, and that you care so much for her. Those girls are nothing compared to her and all that stuff...

    If she keeps acting jealous I suggest you fight fire with fire and be jealous when she talks to other guys.

  16. you just leave her friendship .you should be independent.before that you must tell her mistkes which gave trouble to you.

  17. Your girlfriend loves you and just wants to make sure that you don't cheat on her. That is why she is very protective. However, ask her for personal space.

  18. Does she have a good reason not to trust you?  Sit down with her and have a long talk about why she is like this

  19. seems like she has some's not alway healthy being in a relationship when either party is overly could talk to her about why she feels like you're being unfaithful...she might have had  previous relationship where the boyfriends were unfaithful or jerks, and its possible she assume you're the same....

  20. maybe you should introduce her to your friends so she knows who you're with, talk to her and tell her she can trust you 100% and tell her how much you love her and you would never cheat on her

    tell her that you dont like it when shes too protective because you feel like she doesnt trust you and thats not what you want

    be honest, and really tell her what you think

  21. Well, honestly some girls are super jealous because they really care for you and fear loosing what they have. What you have to do is make her unserstand you will not leave her and that she can hang out with guy friends and you can hang out with her. Because honestly 4 years is too much time to just let it all go down the drain simply because you guys have made it through what i seem THE hardest time in a relationship which is the 2nd year, So understand her and let her understand you, and tell her that with no trust there is NOTHNG
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