
What will i do with my 5 year son who dont want to sleep in the afternoon nap?

by Guest31883  |  earlier

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but i notice it when weekend comes and when i say lets take a nap he will just follow it but in weekdays when im in the office and he was with his nany he just spank his nany because he dont want to sleep. i said to him to sleep in the afternoon because when i got home and after our dinner will work his project,homework or review his lesson. i dont know what to do. my husband and i are fighting because of this situation. he force me to leave my job and focus on my son. my point is that he dont have a stable job to provide our needs. right now he has no job.




  1. usually after 5 they stop napping just encourage a quiet time. Like 30 min of quiet in his room he can have a book or soft music but no TV or toys. never know he might fall alseep

  2. i deal with this with the family i babysit for. What you do is have  quiet time because we have a 6 year old and 5 year old in  a group with a 3 and 4 year old. So we tell them they dont have to sleep, but they do have to lay down and we'll put in a movie that they can watch as long as their quiet. So what you should do is maybe just do that have a quiet time where he lays down and watches tv or something so you or your husband can get something done.

    Hope I helped :)

  3. This could be because, on the weekends you do different things with him and his mind gets tired. During the week his nany will most often do the same things with him. Get her to do something different each day (even it is only reading a new book). As you know yourself, the body may be tired, but if the brain is not, then it will not "switch" to sleep mode. Best of luck

  4. I live in Baltimore, and I live in a town house, I take mine to a park and let him run around and feed the ducks, if you don't have a lake with ducks, just get him to run around till he drops, it works.

  5. i would say stay at work the economy is really bad you dont wanna lose your job but if your husband doesnt have a job then he needs to focus or your son not the nanny , the child doesnt respect the nanny , he respects you thats why he goes to sleep when asked children know whom they can get over on

  6. Hold on, hold on. Your hubby doesnt have a stable job and he makes you leave your to take care of your sons needs?

    Question is..

    why are you allowing this?

    If you are the main breadwinner, you need to stay at work, and HE, needs to find a way to work things out at home with the five year old.

    you really need to stand your ground on this otherwise, this situation will really wear u out as your hubby is making this your problem and not his.

    If the nanny cant get him to sleep, why doesnt she just give him some quiet activity  at home, or better yet, take him to the park and tire him out..

    why is the pressure always on you.

    U are going to have to tell them to deal with it, and let hubby step up to the plate and call u only for REAL emergencies

  7. He may not need an afternoon nap anymore.  Most children outgrow them by then.  Try not making him take a nap for a few days and see how he adjusts to it.  At this age, he should be able to stay awake all day and function just fine.

  8. He's a bit old to have an afternoon nap at 5.   The day nursery where I sent my son when he was smaller stopped them sleeping during the day at 3 following "government recommendations".... maybe a bit mean for many 3 year olds but at 5 I really think he just doesn't want/need a sleep during the day.

  9. drink him milk let him watch his favorite shows for just a while  and sent him to sleep and sing him a lol a bye then tell him his favorite storie involving his favorite characters

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