
What will i have to do to open a new engineering college? what all cetificate and whose permission needed?

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what will i have to do to open a new engineering college? what all cetificate and whose permission needed?




  1. Who man!It's no joke opening up a college!That too an engineering college!If you need to get it certified from the government there is a lot of paperwork involved and I think someone from the educational field will be able to guide you.Or visit your Ministry of Education or any such related Department.But it's a serious and difficult job.GOOD LUCK.

  2. its not that much difficult. you can andhra has more than 250 engg colleges. its very easy. just get AICTE acceptance thats all...........

  3. For opening up an Engineering college, you basically need to comply with all the requirements of AICTE . You can get all the details on their website .

    You may also be required to take clearance from the State Govt. , depending on which state you are in. Every state has its own requirements. Contact state technical board for this. It is not a big deal to open a engg. college, but it requires lot of effort and dedication to run it effectively and at the same time make it financially viable. Good luck

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