
What will it do to my credit score if a creditor lowers my credit limit?

by  |  earlier

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It was $2800 and they sent me a letter saying they lowered it to $2521...




  1. that's so weird...never heard of that before...ever.

  2. Are you carrying a balance?  You credit score is affected by the balance divided by the limit... so if you're carrying a 50% balance of your credit limit then it could be why they dinged it.  

    So now the percentage will go up if your limit was lowered.

  3. Due to the small decrease I would not worry about it.

    The only way this could affect your score would be if the decrease made you debt to credit ratio go over 30% and then your score would take a hit.

  4. Should not lower your score unless they lowered your limit due to late payments

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