
What will it take for people to protest again?

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what actions by the gov't would make you or large amounts of people to protest again




  1. Most people don't have an interest in politics today. After they're done fighting their own battles with family and working 40-plus hours a week to make ends meet, or two-three other jobs, they are too exhausted. So they retreat to mindless tv or computer to take the edge off.

    And there is a theory in politics that says that this is exactly what the government wants. To keep Americans too exhausted to worry about protesting.

    Did you ever wonder why the government always delivers bad news after 3pm on Friday?  This is because they know that people will be too tired and too busy on the weekend to care.

  2. I'm watching Brokaw's "1968" program (Tivo'd from last night) right now, and it reminded me that during Vietnam, we saw war footage every night on the evening news. I can't recall seeing any level of coverage of Iraq even similar to that. If we had coverage of this war as we did that war, or if they started another draft, I think either would arouse enough people beyond the tipping point that protests would become more serious and widespread.

  3. To protest what?  Protesting for the sake of protesting is pretty stupid.

  4. When the majority of people realize they are being taken for a ride.

  5. I think the art of the protest is dead. I think there will never again be a protest like the march on Washington. If someone is dissatisfied enough with something, the majority of people would do would be complain to their spouse or at worst get on their blog and post their feelings. When a pet shop was protested here for buying puppies from a puppy farm, everyone laughed and threw things at them. It's really sad to see this happen to one of our constitutional rights that soldiers have died for.

  6. It would take something that affects them directly instead of a fellow countrymen or a friends brother. In other words a draft.

  7. Higher taxes might induce people to protest against the government.

  8. Massive tax increases to provide more benefits to illegal immigrants (who don't pay any taxes) and people who can work, but won't go out and get a job because it's easier to live off of social program $ handouts and stay at home watching Oprah during the daytime, on a big screen TV.

  9. The post above is full of it I've been to many countries were you only get one side i;e U k they watch the BBC or CNN international and believe me that is about as one sided as you can get, anti-American as she is!

  10. I'm ready to go now...seriously .. but I think people are to scared by the media and comfortable just sitting at home playing with there Iphones and seeing if they can see up Britney's skirt on the news.

    I think if Bush got on the news himself and told the nation him and all his buddies were responsible for 9/11 people would still elect someone else just like him.

    America is to comfortable sitting in the dark and its sad. I have been to other countries that are much more free than here.

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