
What will it take for sane people to take back the Republican Party from the hands of religious extreemists?

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I was once a proud member of the Republican Party but became alienated because of the increasing influence of religious extremists. Even McCain who once (correctly)called the religious extremists "agents of intolerance" seems to have fallen in line with these wackos. What will it take? I support cutting taxes and getting government out of people's lives but this bunch seems to want to use government to impose its will on others.




  1. Personally, I'd trust a religous conservative more than a me centered whiny liberal anyday of the week.

  2. Ryan... Faith in God is core in identifying with the Republican party and what it stands for. The best the Republicans have ever offered up stood for God and faith in God... Hope this helped...God bless !

  3. It will mean splitting the party between true conservatives and the social conservatives and for politicians in the former to stop pandering for the vote of the other.

  4. I'm sorry I was pasting that answer to the proliferation of questions regarding Obama and his lack of.....





    I don't think we will ever be able to completely remove the overbearing religious right. There are many millions of Americans that put "God" as priority number one for their presidential pick...  it's a well organized profitable group with everything to gain or lose.

    and I agree with you..I too am a life long Republican, but find my party the party of "Spend and Grow" "Spy and pry" and "Reward the rich" .. I think it's time to either look to independent tickets, or do as I am this time around and vote Democratic, so we can at least go in a different direction, McCain could be the last straw for our struggling nation.

  5. So were you an active member?

    You take back the party by direct involvement..

  6. Have missed all  the impositions of religious extremism from the Republicans.  Maybe MSNBC should be a part of my news gathering.  Small government, lower taxes ARE what it's all about.  

  7. 'BIG GREEN' and 'BIG MEDIA' has taken over the democrat party, so what can you do?

  8. It will take voting the Republicans out of office so they get a clue. Remember the mid-terms in 06? Bush finally dumped Rumsfeld and if not for that election, that arrogant pk would still be s******g things up in Iraq and getting our kids killed.

  9. What?

    d**n I must've missed all the suicide bombings at the democratic convention.

    Calm down and use your brain, not your emotions.

    It works, trust me.  

  10. You post might do better in myth and folklore. McCains a moderate deal with it.

  11. The religious extremists have by and large been bumped out of the way.  The McCain nomination is pretty indicative of that..

  12. Conservative values are all based on religion, not logic, reason or equality.  

  13. with the amount of people who a free ride in life and those who are so worried about the after life neither party can be what america needs

  14. Support the party for all the right reasons.  Unfortunately, there is not one politician that you are going to be able to back 100%.  In general, support cutting taxes & getting government out people's lives.  Guess what, less government ... less interference.   And a vote against a socialist regime.

    I believe in some limited pro-choice for cases like incest, rape, etc.  But I cannot agree to it because the child is unwanted because -- oops, the person forgot to use protection.  So, do I tow the line with Palin on everything probably not.  But in general, I am a staunch supporter in many of stances.

    But in general, the election is more about the economy and national security.  I will vote McCain/Palin hands down.

    Vote McCain/Palin 2008

  15. I was thinking you'd provide an example of religious influence in this question. I am not religious...and I often find views I hold are wrongly attributed to religion, by those who have a different viewpoint and are attempting to explain-away their opposition.

  16. I think it will take the following:

    1) absolute intolerance of political bigotry.

    2) treat all politicians as "innocent until proved guilty".

    3) no libel or slander, no name-calling or sedition, and no tolerance of it.

    4) encourage free speech, free expression, and equality for EVERYONE.

    It's what I do as a Democrat who despises the principles of socialism (but does not despise the people who are socialist).

    I will not leave my party even though they've abandoned their principles in search of socialist ideals.  I would find that unethical.

    Don't leave.  Stay, and fight for what you believe.

    I'll do the same.

  17. I am sorry, I've been a republican for most of my life and I have no idea what you are talking about,,, did I miss something? I don't think so...the democrats are the only people who I know who squelch others free speech,,, Pelosi is a great example...

  18. Nancy Pelosi has proposed criminalizing religious speech with which she happens to disagree.  The phrase "use government to impose its will on others" should not be applied only to the religious right.  The main example where the religious right wants to "impose its will" is on the subject of abortion.  Although I am pro choice, I do respect their differing point of view.  I just wish this most difficult of decisions could be left up to the individual.  But, then, I wish a lot of difficult decisions could be left up to the individual.  I dislike the idea of the government butting into every aspect of our lives.

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