
What will it take for u.k. and u.s. troops toget out of the middle east?.

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it just seems that the whole campaign has lost direction and purpose and we are all losing friends and family for no particular purpose. the troops are fantastic and doing a great job but the politicians seem to have lost the plot!




  1. Have the stupid bureaucrats shut up and let them do their job!

  2. When we make a parking lot out of it.

    Why so serious?

  3. All good country's should build a razor fence around those carp hole country's so they can not leave into civilization..They hate the western world   then  why can't they stay in there middle Eastern world why do the go to france, uk norway america etc... I would rather my boarder patrol taxes go towards a fence around the c**p hole sand country instead of mexico.

  4. Simple when there is no more oil to drill in the middle east we will not be there anymore.

  5. Oh I don't know. Maybe a stop to cutting peoples heads off that disagree with you. Stop blowing people up to prove a point. How about stop trying to wipe out all the Jews, or maybe stop trying to conquer the world in the name of Allah.

    It might also help if you stop hanging q****s all the time. Put them in prison if you must, but stop killing them because they like your butt.

    I could think of a few more things, but this should keep you busy for a few decades.  

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