
What will it take to bring peace and harmony to the world . and is this possible

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What will it take to bring peace and harmony to the world . and is this possible




  1. Scott, I am sorry to inform you--because I wish it was not true--that men like Mugabe, Stalin, Chavez, Castro, Putin, the leaders of Myanmar, and others like them will always put an end to your idealism. You can never stop them because they pop up where you least expect them.

    My own site wishes it were so, but understands the reality of men like them. We can do what we can do, but like mushrooms, they will always pop up in the dark of night.

  2. Nothing because we are natural fighters.  I don't think its possible.  If you want an easy answer just think of religion.  Most all of them state that if you don't believe the way they do then you are wrong.  Then just think of how everyone interprets there own beliefs in a different way even if they are the same member of a global organized religion.  That alone gives the world and human race to much conflict to ever live in Harmony.  

  3. It is possible. If everyone decided to stop fighting right now, there would be peace. It all depends on what people decide.

  4. Absolutely  possible ....peace and harmony comes within each and everyone of us.  First and foremost, we begin with ourselves.  If we have peace in our own lives we can bring harmony to the world.

  5. If the answer to your second question is no, then life becomes bogus. What good is a desire for peace, if it can't be fulfilled? So to answer your second question I would say, yes, it is possible to bring peace and harmony to the world. And if we take human nature out of the equation we'll see that it already exists. The sun, trees, and animals live in peace already. You only find violence and destruction when you add human nature to the mix.

    So whats up with our nature thats out of balance?  Well in order to understand that, we must first understand what drives our nature. And if we look closely, we'll see that it is driven by only one thing. Which is the desire to receive pleasure. This desire serves as the primary force behind all of the decisions we make and actions we take.

    Now it may be said that we only know each other through our actions. But yet our actions are only a product of our thoughts. And if we go one step further we'll see that our thoughts only function in accordance to our desires. So what are desires? They're something we feel as a lack or a need, and our thoughts are rooted in them. I feel hungry before the thought of food ever comes to mind. But once the feelings there then so goes my thoughts - what to eat, where to eat, when to eat etc etc. And this desire can grow to where it becomes the only thing I think about too.  So what happens when I finally get what I want to eat? You got it - pleasure. And the food was only a means to receive it. Once the desires filled, the thought of food becomes repulsive.

    But our desire to receive pleasure is not the culprit behind all the mayhem and destruction we see in the world. Its only the desire to receive for ourselves that's responsible. Unlike the cells in our bodies that take only what it needs and gives the rest for the sake of the whole. We behave like a cancerous organism, consuming primarily (if not only) for ourselves with little or no consideration for the rest of humanity.  

    So is their a way to correct our nature, that doesn't involve suppressing our desires? Is it possible to have the best of both worlds, unbounded pleasure and peace on earth? Well I've attached a video clip below that  may help shed some light on the answer.


  6. All it requires is a true appreciation of God.

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