
What will it take to get our gas prices down, and the economy booming again

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What will it take to get our gas prices down, and the economy booming again




  1. A republican take over of the House and Senate and a Republican President. Like we had before the democrats took over and screwed up the economy in 2006.

  2. An end to the war and a better international image for America would help a lot.  That will lower oil prices and encourage people to buy goods from America again.  I'm just crossing my fingers that once Bush is gone we will get those things.

  3. Bush to be out of office

  4. Some economic common sense would be nice - use what we have here , buy what is made here to keep people working , don't export our oil overseas, don't buy from companies that export jobs to save money, help our own homeless & starving instead of giving trillions of dollars away.  

  5. Less demand of oil and more production on oil, we as a world are in a energy crisis. Oil drives our countries and without it cheap we will fall as a Country.

  6. maybe we should vote paris hilton for president.

  7. We need to get the country united (that includes the clueless elitists in Congress) in a massive all out program to develop all our national energy resources and make us completely energy independent in the next 4 years. That would stimulate the economy, produce jobs, deprive the nations that hate us of their vital oil revenues, lower the price of fuel and energy overall, and keep $700 billion a year here in America for capital investment and increased tax revenues.

    We also need to implement the Fair Tax which would solve a lot of our fiscal problems.  

  8. After Bush is out maybe who ever gets presidency will end the war and gas will go back down a whole lot.And not to mention taxes and maybe some of us who had medicare will get that back to.

  9. oil prices to get maintained

  10. A breakthrough in science or policy!

    No matter what, since oil is a nonrenewable resource, in the long run the supply will only go down increasing the value/price.

    If we switch to renewables (solar/wind/biofuels/nuclear) than we will be free!

  11. I'm sure tired of the high gas prices. Someone told me about this site which gives away free gift cards for gas. I can really recommend it.

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