
What will it take to get people to go green like Indians do in there culture?

by  |  earlier

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can heeters ,solor power, wind power, water cooler a c unites, recycle rain water, lava sand your yard, instead of lawn sprinklers, 500 watt solartube, instead of light bulbs, solar powered atic fans to cool the atic, ceiling fans to bring the warm air from the ceiling to the outside walls & to the floor, all avalable at your local home improvement store today.




  1. what the h**l are you talking about? Last time I saw any Indians they were building a 30 story luxury hotel and casino at Niagara Falls New York!! and it was a beautiful thing!~!!!

  2. For everyone to go green, h**l would probably have to freeze over, twice. Its a shame but true. Because people are to selfish to care.

  3. the difference in culture.  The difference in technological advancements and they most important difference in the engine, which drives our society.  The aboriginal Indian culture is deeply lined with spiritual values which stressed and inter-active and synergistic approach to life on this planet, this no longer exists in our society except for ideologues.  Without an evolution of consciousness, I'm afraid people won't be going green soon.

  4. push forward the concept of them saving money more so than anything else, the problem with many of the other reasons to be green is that they are for the most part abstract far off concepts, a person can get their head round them but people are not motivated by the abstract except in the form of religion but then religion is in any case, atleast to a certain degree an actualisation or reification (if thats how you spell it) of the abstract.

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