
What will it take to stop global warming, capital punishment?

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Should we give the death penalty to polluters?




  1. Your question makes me laugh! hahaha

    Yes. Capital punishment is needed! lol

    I am doing my best as an individual, but I know it will take collective action to make a different.

    I see this is not really a question, but a statement.

    No we should not give the death penalty to polluters. We should focus on making a difference, not punishing people.

    Besides, we should heavily tax they high emmitting corporations and get millions to better our communities!

  2. Polluters are usually not individuals.

    To stop global warming (if it in fact exists, which is debatable), we would need the cooperation of many other countries.  So world cooperation would be vital.  A lot of the "damage" is being generated in Africa by destroying huge areas of jungle.  Then, we have China and other developing nations who have little or no pollution controls.  China has controls, but they only use them when the olumpics are in town.

  3. Capital punishment? Yes... the government is coming for your capital.

  4. Global warming is trash made up by hippies and tree hugging liberals who want to destroy Western civilization and make us into nomadic, anarchic society where we are ruled over by pandas and polar bears!!

    Wake up foo'

  5. First off, you're never going to be able to stop it.  It's a natural occurring event.  That said though, the latest cycle certainly has been accelerated by man, but certainly not caused by it.

    As for stopping it, it's hard to believe people/companies as a whole are going to change just for the sake of it.  They have to have incentives to do so, especially considering changing would mean intentionally not making as much money/paying for things not entirely deemed necessary.

  6. Global warming is not fake...i believe the sun id going to go out it is getting hotter and hotter..then soon.....the earth will turn ice again...and no we should not doa death penalty to pollutter??!!!what the heck i think they should do a death penalty to prisoners..but pulluters should learn there lessons some how the should raise the polluters fine.hope i helped!

  7. it is not fake. if it is fake so what is the reason for ice melting in Antractica then. you damp asses those who said that it is fake

  8. Hi there,

    NOTE: This is my personal opinion. Use advice at your own discretion. I am not a professional environmentalist.

    I do not think that this is humaine. Polluters might pollute the environment, but death is never the answer, in my opinion.

    Hope this helps.

    I think that the environment should be helped, and old habits changed with POSITIVE reinforcement and because people WANT to change. Not because there is a horrible punishment associated with polluting the environment! And who are we to make the choice of who should live or die...that is not up to us, in my opinion.

  9. yes we can stop it. less pollution means less ice melting, less ice melting means less water and less water means our planets safe.

    we also could stop this if we use less patroll, more plants and trees, less cars and transports. i think we should start using animals like ages ago, because we are so comfortible let's move our asses for our/our coming generation's great and good futures let's safe our planet.

  10. wow THIS DOESNT PROVE THAT GLOBAL WARMING IS A CULT! i mean seriously, that is overly dramatic also humans cant stop or start globalwarming!

  11. Global Warming is a fake. They make it up so they have something to make the people worried about and to keep politicians talking. The ice is melting on earth and on other planets. If you believe that the SUV's here on earth are melting the ice on mars, go ahead and believe that.  

  12. I doubt that would help much.  No I believe what it will take is a change to way we interact with the planet, and each other.  Taking responsibility for our actions, being informed and aware of the environment and the planet, and by changing the stubborn ignorance that has somehow become the norm, particularly in the USA, but more and more so in all 'western' democracies.

  13. No, that shouldn't be necessary.  They'll finally take notice when  people start dropping dead from the smog in rush hour traffic.  As I've been saying for a long time, this silly political dispute over global warming has obscured the fact that global warming isn't the only result of air pollution, or even the worst one.  In big cities like Phoenix, where I live, we routinely have high-pollution advisories.  Usually the elderly and children are advised to stay inside, but sometimes it gets so bad even healthy adults are told to avoid all outdoor activities.  How much worse does it have to get before people realize that we need air to breathe and we can't breathe it if it's toxic?


    I see the oil company lobbyists are here in full force.  I hope they're paying you guys well to tell us air pollution is a good thing, but it doesn't matter because you're not convincing anyone.  If you need evidence, look at the links.

  14. Yeah, and you can throw the first stone.

  15. Giving death penalty to polluters would certainly kill the automobile manufacturers and owners. And trucking. And commuters. And retailers. Etc.

    Walk to work, or die!!!

    And it wouldn't work. Who would be around to carry it out?

  16. Yes

    Punishment would be to grow and Protect all the Trees around the County .

    By Cutting down the trees we built house, we made money , we became rich .

    Now it is time to pay back Plant a Tree every Week .

    First Law of Thermodynamics

    Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed .

    It can be transformed from one form to another .

    By Cutting down trees to produce Money . Now if we spend money to Grow trees , they will again store energy for us .

  17. I agree with Odd Ball 100%! Global Warming is such bull.  

  18. I really don't feel that people who believe in and promote the hoax of global warming should be killed.... just locked up somewhere so they can't harm anyone else.

  19. one bourban one scotch and one beer  

  20. Right....let's try everyone who exhales CO2.  You first.

  21. Global warming is fake.

    capital punishment is needed to stopidiots who bang on about when they should be making someting usefull like luvin'

  22. Wow, that is a pretty hard line to take.  I guess we should all pass around the magic Kool-Aid since we all breath out CO2 which has somehow become a pollutant.

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