
What will keep you busy (and entertained) during a 5 hour trip?

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Thanks a lot people, but I'm aiming at sleep since we're leaving at 11pm.




  1. iPod, DVD player, texting, Gameboy/Video Game, a book, Laptop, Sudoku, Crossword Puzzles, magazines, sketch book, digital camera, word/social games, studying, mini-board games, snacks, cards, puzzle games...


    5 hours really isn't that bad. I had a 2 hour flight with a 3 hours of waiting yesterday, and then another 2 hour flight this morning. If you are traveling with someone, it makes it so much better.

    For me, personally, though: iPhone for music/email/facebook, and my laptop if I get really bored.

  2. a nintendo ds and a load of magazines + an ipod

  3. Alot of things depending on what you have. But here's a list.

    -iPod/ Mp3


    -Electronic Games


    -Portable DVD player and DVD's





    -Crossword Puzzles

    -Cell Phone

    -Camera(take pics! It's fun!)

    -Relaxing and thinking about anything that pops into your head passes time very quickly too!

    -It's hard to know what you have, so it's hard to name stuff. But I hope I helped ya!! Have fun, wherever your going! =]

  4. Music.

  5. Oh, easy. A good book. If flying, a window seat will entertain me for the first half hour after taking off, and the last half hour before landing. Just closing my eyes and allowing what ever thoughts and memories to flow through my consciousness is very calming. An hour can go by so fast! Have a wonderful trip.

  6. If I am alone, then my mind.  I can go many places within my mind, and often do.

    If I am with others -- sleep as much as possible, so I still have my own space.

    Also, a book on disk would work.

    I listened to Time Line by Michael Crichton on tapes -- and would only listen when I was driving to my daughter's or back.  It made a simply drive a demanding adventure.

  7. read or listen to ipod

  8. My laptop and my iPod.

  9. catching up on sleep.

  10. DVD's, books, I-Pod, toys, cross word puzzles, newspapers, magazines.

  11. Book of questions!!! I love that book. You have to have a partner though!

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