
What will labour be remembered for?

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What do you think will be the one thing that people will remember them for? what do you think.




  1. - Britain's first ever minimum wage

    - Tax credits to help the poor and disadvantaged

    - Huge investment in the NHS, education and other public services

    - Longest period of sustained low inflation since the 1960's

    - Low mortgage rates

    - Employment at its highest level ever

    - Devolution of power to the Scottish parliament and the Welsh and Northern Irish assemblies

    - City-wide government brought to London with the London mayor

    - Overall crime reduction

    - Repeal of Section 28 & the introduction of Civil Partnerships

    What would we have seen with the Tories?

    - Tax cuts for the wealthy

    - Increased poverty & no National Minimum Wage or tax credits to help the poor and vulnerable

    - Further dismantling of the welfare state

    - More privatisation - I.e. NHS

    - Public service cuts & no extra investment in the NHS, etc.

    - Being hated throughout Europe

    - No repeal of Section 28 & no Civil Partnerships

  2. The same things every ruling party is remembered for: lies, war and s******g over the poor.

  3. Lies, lies, lies.

    Taxes, taxes, taxes.

    Stabbings, stabbings, stabbings.

  4. Iraq unfortunately.

    Tony Blair was a good prime minister but he'll only look good in retrospect after we witness an apalling job by David Cameron.

  5. unlawfully killing it's own citizens "soldiers" with an illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq !!

  6. Lies, corruption, neglect of H.M. forces in wars that they unjustly conjured up !

  7. Inviting every sponger, and freeloader, from every Country to live here, claim benefits, rob us of our traditions, and identity, blow us to kingdom come, and get rich rewards for doing so!!!!

  8. I think in the short term - next 10-15 years, the Labour Governmnt will be remembered by Prime Minister respectively:

    1) There is an inescapable connection between Tony Blair and Iraq/Afghanistan. He will also be remembered for NI peace deal, but in the shadow of Iraq, perhaps unfairly. When he brings his book out, we'll maybe get to find out what his options were in deciding to go to war with Iraq.

    2) Gordon Brown, if he's not careful, is going to be remembered with economic failure. Also unfairly, but I think he's a stategist - not a leader.

  9. The Labour Party that created the NHS is not the Party that rules us now.

    The present Labour party is a war mongering, taxing party whith no talent or common sense whatsover.  It's PC obsessions have alienated the indigenous British people and its treatment of the English as a country it hates is well documented as it bleeds the English taxpayer dry whilst rewarding the Welsh and Scottish with hard earned English money.  It's a government that punishes rather than encourages and its constant blaming of the Tories, last in power eleven years ago is sickening.  They have wasted the golden economy they inherited from Ken Clarke, our gold reserves were sold at rock bottom prices and still they blame the Tories for their woeful performance.

    Their lies and corruption will also be remembered by those in the country who have not been brainwashed and have a mind of their own.

  10. I think they might be remembered for hiking up the tax for the average/below average pay workers even more than for the wars. Let's hope the people of Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath have the brains (this is doubtful despite the lack of decently paid jobs in the area) to realise they are paying too much tax and show Gordon Brown the door!

  11. Being total lying wankers!! and thats a soft way of putting it x

  12. Dogs bark. Cats go meeow.And labour raises taxes.  Same as it ever was.

  13. Northern Ireland peace deal, National Minimum Wage, which the Tories rejected, and Iraq, although the Tories did that one first.

  14. Sadly, unfulfilled promises.

    It's not the party that's to blame, its the inadequate MP's.

    Didn't the same thing happen years ago with the Tories?  Who remembers the last recession?  :/

  15. How about:

    - Bringing Britain back from the brink after WW2.

    - The NHS.

    - The Welfare State.

    - Standing up to Maggie.

    - Compassion for the little man.

  16. It's not so much what Labour will be remembered for now, but more what they have achieved in the past.

    Right now we are celebrating the 60th anniversary of the NHS and thus the Welfare State - all created by a Labour when the country was stoney broke - skint - after WW2.

    It was a staggering achievement and one which the Tories have been trying to destroy ever since.

    I'm old enough [born 1941] to just about remember what it was like before the NHS.

    I'm also old enough to know that the Tory Party of the 1950s tried desperately to destroy the NHS and Welfare State and that Margaret Thatcher was actually in the process of selling it lock-stock-and-barrel to a bunch of American medical firms and drug companies.  

    We must not rest but keep on fighting the good fight and unite to bring the working people of UK as good a quality of life as possible.  Only Labour can do this.

    And, in answer to your question - we will not remember much from this present Labour of the last 8 years, and the reason why is that they have been far too busy putting right the wrongs of the previous Tory administration - it takes a long time to sort out the mess.

    People think rather stupidly in my view that they can do without the NHS.  Maybe while they're young, but when some long term illness sets in, such as happens in old age, they will not be able to afford anything, not even a visit to the doctor.

    In the USA the situation for the common people is desperate and 60% of Americans have no medical insurance simply because they cannot afford it.  Many of the 40% who do have medical insurance, only have it because their employer pays for it.

    Be thankful that we live in a country which really does care for all of the people, all of the time, from the cradle to the grave.  I have seen what other countries are like and they are nothing like as good as the NHS, in spite of all the bad press and usual c**p from the right wing care busters.

  17. Self centred, corruption, deceipt, arrogance, reneging on promises, enemic and pathetic inattention to protecting the populace from violent crime, yoba and thugs while securing their own with armed bodyguards,

    transforming the uk into a third world environment by opening the floodgates to foreign hordes, following America into unwinnable wars, installing absolute idiots and imbeciles as ministerial department heads, leading us into total irreversible financial disaster.!


  19. national minimum wage

    lying over the WMDs in Iraq

    failing standards in schools

    sucking up to George w  bush

    mishandling the economy

    bringing in that daft human rights bill which has made the criminal have no fear of the law.

    the rise & rise in violent crime

    never letting us have that referendum on that bill the Irish voted turned down

    letting them plastic cops on the streets you know them community support officers

  20. Lying and ruining the country and tax.

  21. Creating the NHS. Bringing wealth to the common man. Making us a country of home owners. The minimum wage. The Freedom of Information Act. One of Britain's greatest ever PM's in Tony Blair. Helping countries and people less fortunate than us.

  22. ruining the country! when Tony Blair was in control everything was ok.... but since he left this counrty has nearly hit poverty!!!

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