
What will living in a hostel be like?

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Just to clarify I mean a young people's hostel for people aged 16-25 to live (a foyer). I've viewed a room in an empty flat (will be sharing a flat with one other person). The actual building itself seems nice but Im worried what the other people will like-weather it will be really noisy at night and lots of fights etc. On the plus side Im thinking cheaper rent than I pay now and may meet some nice people.




  1. Upside; cheap and you will meet lots of people.

    Downside; not much privacy and watch for thieves.

    Good luck!.

  2. Depends what kind of hostel I stayed at a YWCA when I first moved to London and it was great fun, I made loads of friends and it was cheap and central.

  3. If you mean staying at a youth hostel, it's great.  It's a lot of fun, you meet people from all over the world and it's cheap !  What else could you want ?!  Enjoy your trip.  

  4. Foyers are different and tend to be a lot better than general needs hostels.  For a start they are for under 25's so you will meet people your own age, plus they are supposed to offer support with life skills and help to get into training or employment.  So they will help you move you life forward and into college or a job. Also it is social housing so the rent will be cheap for you - generaly you will have to pay a service charge of about a tenner a week, everything else is paid other than food.  I addition foyers are supposed to be a mid term housing solution - they should put together a package that helps you move into your own place - independant living - in about 18 months - 2yrs.

    The success of these projects - and therefore your living experience - generally depends not only on your flat mate but also on the support staff - ask em a few searching questions like what to do if you have a problem with your flat mate and you will soon get an idea of what they are like.  Good luck.

  5. dirty conditions and not at all cosy!  

  6. Dreadful. Make sure it is as short term as possible.

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