
What will man u do without c.ronaldo ?

by  |  earlier

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i think they can jyst buy eto'o instead and a good and 1 of the best midfeilders instead because i he stays his value is goin to go down so i think he goin to go

what do you think?????????????




  1. What will Man U do without Ronaldo?


  2. This questions are getting daft now, they're beginning to sound like the "who will score goals for Man Utd" after Van Nisterlroy left...

  3. They will just flung the season.

  4. Going down a little bit, I guess.

  5. C.Ronaldo is staying he will just be out for some of the beginning of the season due to an ankle has already been said by fergueson.but... even if ronaldo did u would still be amazing because hargreaves or some one very good would take his place

  6. ronaldo is one of the top! he scored most of the goals for man u. i think the team wont be the same with out him, but manchester united with or with out cristiano ronaldo will always be a great team =]

  7. ManU made Ronaldo a it can also make others stars.......CR's choice is absolutely a no-worry.....its Fergu who turns games.......

  8. they will do alot better without haters

  9. 1 ronaldo isnt going

    2 we will still win the prem and champion league

    3 man u isnt a 1 man team

  10. yea they can also buy messi

    but they dont do it

  11. Man United will keep winning EPL and Champions Leagues irrespective of which club c ronaldo is playing for.

  12. manchester utd is nothing... because just ronaldo score everytime

  13. They wont win the EPL, the man scored more than 40 goals for them.

    They can't get near the CL trophy, winners always go out early.

    I think the top scorer this season will be Torres and Chelsea will be the strongest team in the EPL.

  14. well my my friend,without c.ronaldo,man utd will do wat they have always done........move has been done before,wen beckham left,and many superstars left the club,wat did united do then,they moved on and the only way they did that is because of the one thing united is famous for????......they love the game and the players wear there club on their hearts.we wish ronaldo gud luck but that wont stop us,it has never ,it will never.

  15. will keep winning. Man Utd its the greatest team ever

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