
What will mcCain do for the homeless people of the world?

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What will mcCain do for the homeless people of the world?




  1. Since when is it the United States President's responsibility to take care of the less fortunate people in this world?

    Helios - I strongly encourage you to stray away from making hasty, stereotypical generalizations about all Republicans. I myself am a Republican, but I am not rich. My advice is to aid you in preventing yourself from appearing ignorant and foolish in your future answers. Thank you.

  2. He will send them to the Fundy churches to be brainwashed into serving divine evil.

  3. Nothing I hope, the president of the US is SUPPOSED to be looking out for US citizens.

    As for the US homeless.... there are programs already in place so all he needs to do is keep them properly funded and expand the ones that show the best results.

  4. He would, in all probability, make many more of them! His "free market" policies, put in action throughout the rest of the world, will gut much of the working class and force many of them into poverty

    Princess Zelda - I strongly encourage YOU to stray away from making stereotypical generalizations about Republicans. They are not the squeeky clean family-value types they would have you believe. It is all a canard to get not-so-rich Republicans like yourself to vote against your economic interests. Wise-up dear.

  5. He will get bureaucratic c**p out of their way so they can get jobs and provide for themselves.

    Give them education (not Socialist pap) and let them get on with life as free people.

  6. Make more of them so they can have other homeless friends.

  7. The same as Obama: Blame them for their predicament while giving all the assistance to illegal aliens. I assume you meant the US since he isn't running for president of the world. He'll really be too old by the time this position becomes available.

  8. McCrazy will probably shake his cane at them, yelling "keep off my lawn!"

  9. Considering the fact that he would not be Pres of the world, not much.

    As far as the US, most homeless people are addicts or mentally ill people who do not take advantage of all of the programs in place to help them.  The help is there, but you cant force people to take it.

  10. NOTHING! homeless is all in their minds!!

  11. What - are you kidding?  McCain won't do anything for the homeless.  Homeless people are invisible to the Super Rich republicans - they just don't matter.

  12. Not a DAM  N thing.. He's rich.. he doesn't care if we live on the street. There are not enough homeless shelters as they are now and Bush has already cut funding for some of them.. To those who say that homeless people don't take advantage of services offered to them.. you are full of c**p. I was  homeless last year..not due to alcohol or drugs but due to domestic violence. I called EVERY shelter (homeless and domestic violence) for 600 miles.. EVERY ONE was full...some told me they had not had an empty bed in years. So until you have been homeless don't assume you know WHY people are homeless..because with fuel prices and the cost of healthcare and electricity, etc.. we may all be homeless...Don't assume that there are programs for the homeless..there are but the problem is that if nobody supports those programs financially..those programs don't exist...Shelters can't run on good wishes and thoughts.. it takes money for food, etc.  Tonight when you go to bed and brush your teeth, remember that in shelters, sometimes it's hard to even provide toothbrushes, etc to the residents because of no money.

  13. Cindy McCain will tell them to go eat cake!

    Most people who end up homeless are there because they can't work,usually due to things like disability,mental illness;etc,whether they were born that way or self-inflicted.

  14. He'll probably figure out a way to get them all over to this country (through expansion of work visas, no doubt) so they can work as housekeepers for wealthy folks like himself.... for pennies a day!

  15. I can't freely answer to your question

    because if I do then all low life they will report me

    and my account will be suspended

    Americans kill the freedom of speech...

  16. McCain will do what every "compassionate conservative" would do...

    Tell them to stop being such lazy, drug-addicted "welfare queens" and GET A JOB!

    Just like McCain's main economic advisor Gramm said, this economy is GREAT!  Plenty of growth, plenty of jobs just ripe for the taking!

    See, if the homeless weren't such leeches on society and would just get a job, they'd have full healthcare and enough money to fill the gas tank and the grocery cart, and could afford a new home backed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac!

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