
What will missouri's climate be like in 50 years?need help HW.?

by Guest65199  |  earlier

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What will missouri's climate be like in 50 years?need help HW.?




  1. Due to global warming it will be about 5 degrees warmer in general and in the St. Louis area it will probably be raining constantly due to the confluence of the two rivers (air flow) and the continued pollution by Anheuser-Busch, Monsanto, etc.

  2. There wont be any missouri in 50 years man. the whole worlds gonna die from global warming. we have to stop driving cars, and stop using electricity right away or mother gaea will perish.

  3. Missouri will most likely be under water because of increased rains.  Life in the state will be inhabitable because of constant tornado's and storms that will be 50 times worse than they are today.

    To make matters worst, Missouri will be the 6th state that will become inhabitable since Florida will be underwater, California will be racked by Earth quakes, and Alabama will be boiling.

    Face it, the Earth is doomed!

  4. hello i love you question ..... i live in missouri and go to school is missouri .... i am in leap and we are doing recycling which is like this.. they said that missouri in 60 years will be destroyed because all these bad storms and global warming

  5. I dont Know But I Have The  anwser to cleaning the air in highly polluted citys with science we have already.It has been proven for years with nature. Retrofitting devices etc and knowledge we have already will procuce clean air from ozone to a balanced co2 content.  At what cost ? not as expensive as costal loss and total species annialiation

  6. Fifty years isn't that long.  Missouri will still be there, and the climate will probably be the same as it is now.  They've been having tornados and floods for years, and that won't change.

    Any state along the Mississippi River is prone to flooding.

  7. in all likelihood pretty much the same as it is today.

  8. Depends on how many people are living in the world in 50 years.

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