
What will my dentist do !?

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I'm going to the dentist tomorrow for the first time in like 2 years. We are going to talk about fixing the gaps in my teeth, filing them down, and whitening them. I'm 14, I REFUSE braces whatsoever. Are their any other options available ?




  1. There is a corrective fix called Invisalign.  It is basically just a clear plastic sheet that goes over your teeth.  It is nearly impossible to notice if you don't know, and it works.  I would look into it.

    The only downside is that it costs a bit more than standard braces.

    All I can say is, get the braces now while your parents pay for them and everyone your age has them.  Don't wait til you're 40 and decide to spend the money on them and look like a loser at the same time.

  2. Why do you refuse braces? Most kids your age have them, it's no big deal.

    PS: NOBODY looks good in braces. Trust me, it'll be something you bond over with your classmates. i know I did when I had them.

  3. He's going to take this needle to put your mouth to sleep so you feel no pain,  but that's a joke.  He takes this other things squizes your teeth together,  which makes your gum hurt like h**l!

    Then he uses another one to put this liquid between and around your teeth which burns alot - Then he has this little drill which he must use behind your teeth to even them out,  so basicly you wont be allowed to close your mouth but at the same time chucks of your teeth are flying around,  you'll have atleast 5 tools stuck in your mouth and things to hold it open.. that thing that sucks your saliva will get your tongue stuck or the line under your tongue and that makes you close your mouth which will make you bleed since you'll touch the drill and such.

    It's painful,  I had this too :S

    JOKES!  That will NEVER happen.

    Don't be scared of the dentist...  They're not murderers.

  4. he'll probly recommend braces to fix the gaps, take this horrible filing tool(like a metal nail file) and grind em down, and then the whitenings not so bad, its just like intensely brushing your teeth

  5. If you do have to get braces , they wont be that bad! You could mabye ask Him/Her if you could get the ones you can take in and out instead of TrainTracks!

    Hope i helped



  6. You could get a retainer?.. But honestly, I'm 17 and i WANT braces! But, i have to wait until i get my wisdom teeth, so they can pull them out and then file down my teeth to put the braces on.

    If your dentist suggests braces, i suggest you agree. You could end up really regretting it later on in life, which would suck. Plus, you can get clear braces which aren't that noticeable. :D

    Hope this helps!

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