
What will my future children look like? (w/pics)?

by Guest58113  |  earlier

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Here are pics of us and also his two sisters (for comparing similarities/possibilites of sharing features) an only child...also im about 5'7'' and hes 6'3'/6'4''

Also, my hair is naturally dark brown and his is blonde/red



seans older sister with her son

seans younger sister




  1. I wouldn't say "all" children are cute but they all truly are a blessing.  While we would like to have the cutiest children in the eyes of modern society, we should not let that become more of a desire than their health.  

    So I hope that your future children are heathy first and cutie pie's second.

  2. I don't think you can really tell. My son looks just like his father- has his face & head shape, body type, eyes, mouth, pretty much everything except he has my eyebrows lol.

  3. Your child will be beautiful no matter what. You will love him/her whatever they look like. Don't worry about what color hair the baby will have or whos genes will be more dominate. Focus on making sure your baby will turn out healthy and do your best to make its life the best you can. Looks aren't important.

  4. There is no answer that anyone can give on what your children will look like. You will be able to see both of you guys in your children. Someones genes will obviously be the dominant ones but you can never tell.

  5. Cute.....

    All children are cute!

    No two children are the same, no-one could tell you just by looking at the pictures!! Its all about who has the strongest genes etc!

    Stop worrying and just be happy with whatever your kids look like!! xx

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