
What will my future hubby be like??

by  |  earlier

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I'm a sag, and I was wondering what my future hubby will look and be like?? Will I be happy? Will he be a nice and caring? Will we have children?

Will I ever get divorced?? Please say no.....




  1. i think that u guys will for the better!

  2. hmm.let's see....he'll have dark hair, a charming smile, ruggedly handsome, you'll be the happiest woman in the universe, and you guys will have 15 children ;-]

  3. He'll be a monster! You will have children, lots of children, and they'll be monsters too, just like their dad! He will be nice and caring only when you're mad at him. Very hairy, indeed. You might get divorced if you can't stand his roars and tendencies to munch on children.

  4. i sense dark hair, light eyes.  tall, uncoventionally handsome.  some turmoil in the early years of marriage, and about 10 years later, but you will stick together and it will mostly be smoothe sailing.  He will be a people pleaser, and even though he doesn't stand up for himself as much as you would like, he will cater to your ever need and be a VERY caring person.  at first he will be hesitant about children, but after an accidental birth, he will grow to love the child dearly and you will have two more.  no divorce :)

    so now you just need to print this out and see how right i was in 50 years :)

  5. look like anything that you don't expect.

  6. Your future hubby will be built like a brick house, but be missing a tooth out front.  This won't matter to you, though, as he will be a wonderful protector, father, and husband.  You'll love watching him work out back on his tractor, as his back muscles flex and ripple.

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