
What will one of our greatest President's (George Bush) legacy be when he leaves office?

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Im not being sarcastic




  1. I hope you're being sarcastic.

    But his legacy will be bad.

  2. Not Only Bush CUT taxes -  GAVE it back to the citizen ( stimulant check) - During war time that we are winning the war on terrorist !!!! First in HISTORY

    Bush is so good that Liberal fascist poltician peolsi ask Bush for another stimulant check

    Its always a good idea when the government put YOUR money back in YOUR pocket, the oppostit of Obama

  3. His appointment of Judges to the Supreme court may be his greatest legacy, along with his resolve to crack down on terrorist. It isn't by accident or pure luck that the US has not been attacked since 9/11.

    History may yet look favorably on George W. Bush.    

  4. George W Bush will be forever remembered as the (Republican) president who managed to balloon the deficit more than even Jimmy Carter, the previous record-holder.

    Mr.Bush has successfully separated the GOP from any notion of "conservativeness", and has likely guaranteed the Democratic Party control of both the White House and Congress for years to come.

    Go George!

  5. Mellisa:

    CORRUPTION, in every department within the government, to include the market collapse of the mortgage industry. And the indirect cause of the 9/11 disaster, of which, nearly three thousand people died. Yes Bush knew about the Arab's leaning to fly in Florida. And of course the so called WMD, ( the war in Iraq. )  And finally the destruction of the dollar.      

  6. The biggest idiot ever to have the occupation of president for a full 8 years!!!!

  7. oh my god you think he was the greatest president

    SHAME ON YOU! :(

  8. A criminal who wasn't impeached, but thats about it.

  9. Having the courage and vision to address the HIV/AIDS problem in Africa.

  10. torture camps.

    Im sure you guys will keep using them for decades to come.

  11. He has a fine Texan accent.

  12. The only thing he will be remembered for is starting the war. Seriously though, what good has he done?

  13. Three thousand American souls, men, women, and children did not die in vain. Bill Clinton still is looking for his legacy.

  14. It will take years to figure that out. What people don't get is that you have to wait till after their presidency to see how their policies work out overtime.

  15. The world will know that free men stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many, and before this battle was over, even a god-king can bleed.


    I'd prefer you trusted your reason.

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