
What will people think? i failed 10th grade??

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i've always been such a great student but this year i moved away and then had to do online school and i just failed miserably on now im going to a new school and ill be iin 10th grade and 16 is that a crazy age to still be in 10th grade?....




  1. No.  And who cares what people think.  If you're in tenth grade, you're in tenth grade.  Some people just wait an extra year before they ever start kindergarten.  Some people's parents keep them back a year voluntarily in first grade.  Some people move and change school systems!  Some people's birthdays fall such that they weren't eligible to start K until almost 6.  Lots of reasons.  I'll bet you'll find somebody else also in tenth grade who is 16.

    Don't sweat it, kiddo, just be yourself, and do the best you can.

  2. It's a fairly common age. 18 is the `normal` age for a high school senior, and if you're 17 or 19, it's completely acceptible.

  3. They will think nothing about it unless you bring it up./

  4. No. People have all kinds of reasons why they fail. Health issues is one and changing schools is another. Sometimes the school you come from is not as advanced as the school you go to therefore the work becomes harder for you... in the end, when you grow up, get a job, get married have kids one gives a hoot!

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