
What will probably happen?

by  |  earlier

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What will probably happen?




  1. Wake/sleep, Sun/moon, Birth/death, Hot/cold, Youth/age, More/less, Eat/, not going there.

  2. something that will definetly happen and some things that will not but that definitly could have...

  3. it will probably be no people in 1,000,000 years

  4. I'll get 2 points

    PS. i'm affraid of Richard

    **I'm joking

  5. Don't know about you, dude, but I'm going upstairs to bed, I will try and get jiggy with my wife, and then I will sleep like a bay.

  6. In the end everything will be alright

    If its not alright then its not the end


  7. It will come out alright in the end.

  8. Do you mean right now?

  9. You will receive a lot of silly answers to your question and the ones who answer will get two points.

  10. Since you posted this in Anthropology and not Geology, I assume that you do not want possibilities of earthquakes and volcano eruptions.

    For humanity, it is not a matter of "will happen", but what "is happening."  The probability factor comes into will it continue to happen.  Will the happening accelerate or slow down and stop?

    The event is based upon would wide communication and trade.  People with limited exposure to different cultures and societies and now being introduced to thing which are very new to them.  Some embrace this and see it as a positive sign of hope for our species.  Others attempt to "circle their wagons," exclude as much outside contact as possible and do their best to avoid change.

    As societies interact, some conflicts are sure to happen (or have a very high probability to happen).  This can be seen as financial and economic disputes, language conflicts, cultural struggles, religious differences and even military strife to the point of war.  Only the last item is always negative, the others can find peaceful solutions.

    There is a high probability that some people from different cultures will wake up and begin to join the human race.  There is just as high a probability that some people will never learn that their arrogance and prejudices should be things of the past.

    What will happen?  Change.

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