
What will really happen???

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They say the birds nest will be used for sports and events,but will it really,or will it turn into a communism meeting point or a ruined piece of metal hunk that has bird c**p all over it,china doesn't really have a real sport,comment about what you think will happen




  1. Careful, your ignorance is showing! For a country without a "Real" sport, they sure captured a lot of Olympic medals! Last time I checked, Yao Ming plays basketball. Is that "Real" enough for you?Try using your head for more than merely keeping your ears apart.

  2. they wont tear it down

  3. What I think will happen is:

    "Beijing is a city that deeply loves its sports, even more so now given the host nation’s extraordinary success over the past fortnight.

    The Bird’s Nest will be used for major international events, concerts and domestic soccer matches.

    The Water Cube aquatic center was built to a sensible size, and will mainly be used for international diving competitions and exhibitions. Diving’s popularity in China should ensure that it is often filled to near capacity.

    The luminescent light show on the glowing exterior of the stadium will be turned off soon after the Games, but will be put back on whenever there is a major event taking place in Beijing.

    Other sites such as Workers’ Stadium and Workers’ Gymnasium were already in place. The Olympic Park Tennis Center has been tabbed to host an ATP event next year.

    Whereas the list of Athens’ failures goes on, so too does the depth of Beijing’s successes.

    The Games have sparked economic growth, and experts predict a continued surge in tourism as many fans who traveled to the Olympics are expected to return for a second look.

    Here, there is a legacy of pride, and a spectacular standard of responsible spending for future hosts to uphold.

    Whether you agree with China’s foreign policies or political ideals, no one can deny this has been a truly superb Olympic Games.

    Congratulations, Beijing."

    and that's what WILL happen.

  4. What do you mean China doesn't really have a real sport?

    Of course it will be used for sports purpose.

  5. This will give them many venues to use, for training and competition, getting ready for 2012.

    I doubt that the facilities will be allowed to fall into disrepair.

    I read they are planning on turning the basement area of the stadium into a world class, underground shopping mall.

  6. They took sports more seriously now. So I would stick to their word that they'll use the bird's nest for sport reasons. That's ridiculous thinking of you.

  7. i think they say theyll build a soccer field. but lets just wait and see

  8. They will be downsizing the capacity and use it for soccer events, though their men's soccer sucks and their women's soccer is good, but no one watches them. I kinda thought it was a waste on how much $ they spend it on and only uses it for two weeks efficiently.

    Likely, they will demolish their "natural park" in the olympic village and use it for development.  

  9. This is not worth an answer, you are obviously trolling.

  10. hundreds of ping pong tables, and chinese people will be forced to play 24/7 and if they lose they get a lashing

  11. i think they will store all there missiles there LOL!

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