
What will she think? Will she trust me?

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Ok well um, I just started high school and I really want to go to the gynecologist because of all the teenage pregnancies at my school.I want to go but I'm afraid that it will not be pleasant and that my mom will think that I am not a virgin when we get there. BTW, how could I get my mother to let me have birth control.(BTW, I am a virgin but I have no hymen.)




  1. how the h**l can u be a virgin but have no hymen?!

  2. At 15, you don't need to be 'safe', if by safe you mean having cancer checks.  Yeah, there is a VERY remote possibility you could get cancer, but it's so remote it plain isn't worth the time spent at the doctor's office, let alone the money.

    Why would you want birth control if  you aren't planning to have s*x?

    Your question doesn't really make sense.  

    Frankly, if you want birth control, everyone is going to assume you are planning to have s*x. Including me.  If you are worried your mommy won't trust you, and still are young enough to have to ask permission from her to have s*x, then you are too young to have s*x and need to put on the brakes.

    Birth control is far from 100% protective against pregnancy, and guess what?  When you get pregnant, you, and only you, will have lots of tough decisions to make.

    Wouldn't you rather leave the last bits of your childhood and the first 20 years of your adulthood uncomplicated by being forever burdened by bad, rash decisions made in your youth?

  3. ID understand ,  you are a virgin , but have no hymen ?

    Well if you need to be private about it, see a women's counselor to advise you. .


  4. Tell her that you are trying to be responsible. Just because you are on the pill doesn't mean you are having s*x. It just means that in case you do, you won't end up being a teenage mommy! I'm 100% sure your mom will appreciate that. It also has more functions than just protecting against pregnancy. it makes your periods lighter and more timely and helps with breakouts. Be sure to argue that side too :) But really, you're better safe than sorry. No mom can argue that.

  5. my dear girl, why are you so afraid of your mother?  if she really loves you then surely she'll openly discuss with you whatever is bothering you, and not force you to live in the shadows in fear.  

    regarding the pill - i would greatly suggest not taking it. it is really really bad for your body and will totally mess up your system. just research it a little and you'll see (but don't look at the websites of the pharmaceutical companies who are trying to sell it to you). my girlfriend used to take it so i could see what it does. there are many other ways to be in control of your sexuality and not getting pregnant. some of the easiest are condoms. surely you can get that by yourself, can't you? (not that you need to hide it, but at least that is something that you are in control of)

    one last suggestion from experience - don't rush into having s*x. no matter how much pressure your girlfriends are putting (by saying that everyone does it etc.) and no matter how much the guys want to get off with you. s*x is one of the most profound things that humans can do, please take your time and do it only when you feel ready and feel that you really really want to do it, otherwise don't. no one can force you.

    please be aware that boys at this age are acting out of their raging hormones and will say anything to get them satisfied.  in other words, they just want their p***s inside a v****a and they'll say whatever you'd like to hear to get you to agree. trust me, i've been through that, i'm a guy. so please be aware of what's going on. everyone wants pleasure but real love is extremely rare these days.  

    wishing you all the best

    ps. and when you have time, check out these beautiful and brave girls who are raising their voices for the benefit of all humans and for this amazing planet:  

  6. no idea.

  7. Well the best way for you to tell your mom that you want to go, is by saying your period is irregular.  If you tell her that she will take you to the OBGYN and they will speak to you and examine you in private.  Then they will offer birth control

  8. If ur not sexually active then y worry???,,,and if u dont plan on having s*x anytime soon...y the birth control????..ur mom would definetely NOT trust u  

  9. Hey, why exactly do you want to go to the gyno? if you are a virgin you will obviously not be pregnant or have any infections.

    loads of girls lose their hymen at an early age just from stuff like falling over or using tampons, I'm sure your mum will know this or if not you can ask the gyno in front of her and they'll confirm it for you.

    If you are over 16 you can go on the pill without your parents knowing, maybe even younger. you can make an appointment with your school nurse or your doctor to talk about it and they are sworn to confidentiality and so your mum will never have to find out. That said I'm sure she would like to know and if she found out she might feel lied to or left out.

    Remember your mum was a young lady too once and if you explain why you want to go on the pill she will think its a good idea, depends on the mum I guess!  

  10. You should begin seeing an OBGYN when you start having s*x, its really not necessary until then. To convince your mom to allow you to have birth control will be a very mature conversation you'll need to have with her.  You can let her know that until you decide to have s*x it will teach you to have safe s*x practices and it will help clear your skin.  If your mom refuses, all I can say is when you do start to have s*x you better use a condom.

  11. so your saying your fifteen, and you wana have a baby?

  12. Why do u need to go to the gynocologist if your not sexually active? Why do u need birth control if you r not sexually active?

  13. I think the best option will be to have a serious talk with your mom. I am glad that you are responsible enough to be taking care of yourself if you are beginning a sexually active life. What I would do is do a list of pros and cons, arguments that knowing the character and personality of your mom will convince her and most of all ask for her help in a sincere and respectful way.

    Moms want to help is their divine calling, so I am sure if you ask your mom, she will be more than willing.  

  14. Explain to her that nothing has happened and that you just want to play everything safe so that you don't end up pregnant early. Your mum should be happy that you really wanna be safe with the amount of teenage pregnancies on the rise.

  15. well she should shes ur mom and all woman should understand. plus she's been pregnant before it's probably no huge deal.  

  16. why do you want to take birth controls if your still a virgin, and why are you afraid

  17. Have a conversation with your mom before hand and tell her about all the girls at your school and how you don't want to end up like that and you are being proactive by going on birth control.  You could also add that many of the birth control options help with easing periods.  And going to the gyno. is never fun, but always worth the piece of mind.

  18. idk just buy it !!!!!!!!!

  19. Talk to her, maybe she will help you understand the pros and cons of birth control.

  20. You can go to Planned Parenthood BY YOURSELF - they are confidential, so they won't tell your parents, they work on a sliding fee scale based on income, and they are non-judgmental.  Do you THINK you're going to be sexually active or do you have ANOTHER reason for wanting birth control?  Don't be ashamed to discuss it with whatever doctor you see there, or nurse.  They will go over ALL forms of birth control with you, after that discussion, and help you determine which one's best for you.

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