
What will stop people questioning global warming every time the temperature drops or they see a snowflake?

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What will stop people questioning global warming every time the temperature drops or they see a snowflake?




  1. maybe because it is really happeneing

  2. people can make up there own minds about the temperature i don't care its natural for the planets temp to change, what people should worry about is the condition the world is going to be in if they don't pull their head out of their asses and realise the damage we(that's right I'm not perfect) are doing. the damage we do isn't necessary and will have horrible effects on us and our children in 50 years.

  3. TC, if you're so good at reading minds, perhaps you should go on stage as a mentalist. This is similar to calling anyone who questions any aspect of AGW dogma as a denier.

    The fact that the globe, the entire globe, cooled so much in a single year is a bit different from seeing a snowflake fall and any rational person would see that. The fact that the AGW theory has many flaws and many questioners is continually steamrollered by arguments about consensus, quotes about politicians who are now onboard the AGW train and name-calling. One side seems to be acting more mature on this topic than the other.

    Dana, they already indoctrinate, oops. Sorry. They educate about climate change in school which is why for many kids it's their number one fear. What more do you want to do to them? I know. Have them call their teacher if they see their parents wasting electricity, leaving the thermostat too high or too low, driving instead of walking. Kind of like the Hitler Youth, use that as your model.

    It doesn't matter how many times someone posts a rational question about AGW, they don't get answers they get attacked. If you did a survey you'd probably find 100% of skeptics are in favor of moving away from fossil fuels as soon as the technology permits. But we've heard too many times that the sky is falling and this time we'd like proof.

  4. Because they are stupid, uneducated, and cowardly:)

  5. Records snow tells us Global warming is over and money hungry people don`t want to believe that it is over

  6. It's just something to talk about, small talk, blow it off, start a different conversation with that person.

    People will stop seriously talking about global warming when there's something more immediate and dangerous to worry about.

  7. When rational thought overcomes the fear they have that massive changes are necessary.  Denial of global warming is essentially caused by fear of change.

  8. same reason enviros say "see look global warming" every time we have a hot day during the summer

  9. The only thing that would help most of them is getting off the Internet and learning something about science.  The chance of being eaten by boa constrictors in Boston is far more likely.  Most of the more aggressive ignorance seems to come from a lack of understanding of the meaning of the word "theory" in the context of science.  You can tell that with almost every post as they discuss scientific matters as if they were discussing a mystery novel.  Nothing reveals the absence of knowledge more than those types of comments.

    Long, long, long, long ago, scientists would refer to their discoveries as "Laws" or "Principles" and speak learnedly about how an idea progressed from an hypothesis to a theory to a law.  Newton, for example derived his 3 laws of motion from earlier work by others.  They appeared to explain all the facts and couldn't be disproven by the science of the time.  That remained the case up to just past the Napoleonic era.

    A few decades later, early work on modern quantum and relativistic concepts found that there were an infinite number of situations where Newton's "Laws" do not apply.  It was only in our relatively limited domain of a vast scale off largeness and smallness that any of Newton's concepts appear to be true.  They were useful for Napoleon's artillery, but meaningless in terms of proof.

    That pretty much replaced anthropocentric descriptions of scientific work with the more appropriate modern term, "theory"  No one has has called anything a "law" or declared it "proven" since at least the time of Max Planck.  All any scientist can say about anything is "here is what we know about it, and here is what we think it means.  Feel free to develop a different explanation or gather more information".  That is the meaning of the word "theory" in the context of science (as opposed to Sherlock Holmes or Mrs. Marple).   People who proudly declare "I am waiting for proof" or "it's only a theory" are advertising the fact that regardless of what they are saying they haven't the faintest knowledge of what they are talking about.  The fact that it's usually followed by gibberish about global cooling or natural cycles removes all doubt if any remains at that point

  10. Maybe when people stop calling it "global warming." It's now called "climate change" to avoid this kind of oversimplifying of a complex and long-term process.

  11. Hmm, how about some scientific data to back up the theory?

  12. The mistake was to use the term "global warming" in the first place.  I know this is an accurate description of what is happening, however sadly there are so many really stupid people who can only equate the term with warmer weather.

    If the term "climate change" had become the general term used instead maybe environmentalists and scientists would not have to spend so much time constantly telling these idiots that warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans not a description of the weather.

  13. Probably nothing: winter will end ice will melt and they will find another theory to cling to. They will probably also continue the tactic of calling GW a religion.

    After following the GW issue for 10 years or so I find an interesting correlation in the actions of the denier movement and the actions cigarette companies took in the 70s to prove there product was safe they trotted out scientists who did studies to prove cigarettes were safe. It is interesting that a number of the "scientists" brought out today have links to both like "Arthur B. Robinson" the originator of the discredited "Oregon Petition" he also denies Darwin's theory, which apart from some noise from some Conservative Christian groups is an accepted scientific fact, which again, has the same tactic thrown at it with rubbish theories like "intelligent design" and the myth that many scientists don't believe it either.

  14. Repeatable, scientific tests.  Not unsupported theory.

  15. Reword your question so that it makes sense.  Who taught you how to write?  Miss South Carolina?  Do you mean "What will stop people FROM questioning global warming every time the temperature drops or (omit they) see a snowflake?"

  16. I will stop questioning global warming when we didn't just have the coldest winter in recorded history. Or how about when we warm more then .7 degrees. Just a thought.

  17. A little education.  This is why we need to teach the science of climate change in schools - so people will learn the basics like the difference between weather and climate.

  18. General intelligence.  I can remember these same dooms day people telling us that global cooling was the end of the world sometime around Now.  There is no g-warming its natural variation.  Gore and his minions are making this up so they have a cause to stand up behind and to "lead the cool aid drinking sheep".  Read the science, ignore the unsupported g-warming theories and return the Gore movie.

  19. There isn't enough evidence to remove all debate about it. If there were, there wouldn't be a debate. So stop criticizing people with different viewpoints.

  20. Maybe the same thing that will stop the AGW Chicken Littles from running around screaming "The sky is falling" everytime there is a hot day.

  21. The important issue is whether the Pacific Decadal Oscillation which has descended into its negative cold mode stays there. That would mean less “warm” El Ninos (which have dominated the satellite data set period, because it was mainly in the warm PDO phase which favors El Ninos) and more “cool” La Ninas. This would logically reduce or reverse the longer term trend in temperatures over the next few decades.

  22. The vast majority of people who question global warming, don't have an honest belief that it isn't happening.  They question it as means of supporting their actions/behaviors.  It's easier to deny Global warming than it is to take public transportation or to admit that driving your Hummer 2 Hours to work every day causes harm and is a bad thing to do.

    A senator can't say "human induced global warming is happening and it has the potential to cause catastrophic harm" and then vote against proposals to limit such warming.  However, many senators wouldn't keep there jobs if they didn't vote against proposals to limit global warming.  Accordingly, they will jump on every snow flake and every oil company sponsored scientific theory that legitimizes their action of voting for evil.

    People will continue questioning global warming in every possible way so long as they have economic incentive to do so.

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