
What will survive longer Animals or Humans?

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Yes i mean a global Diaster!




  1. Animals.

    Species typically last about five million years.

    There have been animals more than five hundred million years.

    There will be animals long after humans are gone.

  2. Since humans are animals, animals will survive at least as long.  It seems unlikely that humans will be the last surviving animal

  3. Most animals live in a very small area. Humans spread out to 7 continents. If disaster strikes, a species may be wiped out easily, but humans will survive in other areas.

    Certainly some species may last longer than humans, particularly insects.

  4. What do u mean? Some animals have longer lifetimes, some animals have shorter. But if you mean there is a global disaster, then im guessing a few species of animals might survive, probably not humans. Still, plants live the longest...

  5. Depends.

    If the conditions change on Earth to become a hospitable place, the animals that can adapt to those changes have the highest survivability rate. So the animals that can adapt to whatever environmental change the best will generally survive longer.

    BTW: Humans are animals too.

  6. If by survive you mean life expectancy then it will depend on the animal.

    If we are talking about survival on the evolutionary scale there is actually an equal probability of extinction for a species at any age in it's development. So pretty much whether a species has been around for hundreds of thousands of years, or just for a few, the probability of being wiped out is equal.  

    Since there are many many species of 'animal' and only one of homo sapiens, the likelihood that humankind will outlast every other species is fairly small.

    The other piece to look at is the very small tolerance people have to temperature, pressure, nutrition, etc. There are species who can survive in many places and situations we can't, think fish for a basic example. There are even more esoteric species, bacteria for example, that can survive in extreme environments which would immediately kill any natural, unprotected person.

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