
What will the Doctor give me for High Blood Pressure?

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Hi, I am only 25 years old, and didnt realise that I suffered from High Blood Pressure until around 2 years ago when I bought my Brother in Law a Blood Pressure Machine from Boots. When I 1st noticed I had high blood pressure I smoked, thinking it was the smoking i stopped 8 months ago but still my blood pressure is high. I have now made an appointment with the doctor for friday, what do you think he will say? I am 25, My pulse rate normally comes out at 105 - Far to fast! The top line of the reading is normally 157, sorry forgot the bottom line now




  1. First thing the Dr will tell you to give up all the good stuff,Alcohol and smokes,then start you on  one of the many Antihypertensives.That's if you really do have high blood pressure.

  2. a medal and a lolly pop

  3. He will give you tablets to control your heart rate and blood pressure, this will be altered over the course of a few weeks to get the dosage right, he will also try to find the cause of the high pressure and hopefully there will be a cause that can be corrected, if he cant find a reason that can be treated, then you will always have to take the tablets, I have to take two tablets every day and I have my own testing machine that I use about every eight weeks, I do find that taking the tablets a slight hassle but it is better than the risk that high blood pressure could bring.

  4. Assuming your BP reading you took was correct, 157 is hypertensive and would need management. I say assuming, because one should never pay too much attention to just one blood pressure reading, for a more accurate result, BP needs to be measured over a period of time, which your GP may well arrange (you may have a BP monitor fitted, which will measure your BP off and on over a 24 hour period) It is unusual at your age to be hypertensive, but the cause does need investigating, and the sooner the better. Obviously, life style changes will have to be made, reducing alcohol, stopping smoking, reduced salt diet and including exercise in your life etc. This will all be discussed with you, and medication (beta-blockers etc) may be given to reduce your BP

  5. First he will determine the cause of your high BP. Sorry to say but among the many causes there are cases where we simply find no cause. We call this very learnedly "essential hypertension". Then he will decide based upon the cause which medication you have to take (beta-blockers, with or without diuretics etc.) Then he will prescribe a diet and a lifestyle.(Lots of exercises). All the best.

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