
What will the Grand Messiah do when he shows up to recreate Israel?

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Will he stand around looking goofy and bewildered?




  1. The Jewish Messiah, an Israelite from the tribe of Judah was Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha Maschiach). The messiah has already come! He shall return in glory. He is coming to judge all the inhabitants of the earth, and Satan will be destroyed. Israel today is being trampled by the gentiles, and those Jewish converts in Isreal are looking for a Messiah who has already come!

  2. Immediately get rid of the atrocity currently serving as a blot upon Judaeism and get around to making a land of justice and REAL democracy that isn't robbed from others.

    Or, you know, get rid of the atrocity and sentence the Israelis to more diaspora. After all, if G-d stuck them in the desert for forty years for worshipping a calf, what would the punishment for THIS be?

  3. You are a bit mixed up. The Messiah, when he comes, will defeat the Anti-Christ, i.e. Israel.

  4. Well,he can annihilate humanity except for his chosen people leaving only that small servant to serve as their slaves. They carry them on their shoulders and l**k the dust from their feet,don't you know. Even their "messiah" is a homicidal racist.

  5. the zionist movement has done nothing but hamper the Messiahs return.

  6. If the Messiah is coming today who will he save the Palestinians whose lands was taken by force and living in a Refugee Camps for the last 50 years. Or the Israelis forces, which took the Palestinian, home and land and cities?

    The Messiah is fare and justice and love and peace how can he stand on the occupation side.

    The Messiah is a Jew against Zionism for sure.

  7. he wont he will create a land for all true belivers

  8. We (Jews) believe the messiah will bring about world peace.

    This is one reason we do not believe in Jeezus.

  9. Hopefully he will so depressed he'll turn around and go back from wherever he came from. I don't know where the demiurge lives in mystical philosophy,but that is obviously who the "jewish messiah" may be identified with.

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