
What will the United States be called when....?

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What will the United States of America be called when we become a communist/socialist country?

People Republic of the Communist United States of America?

Union of the United States of American Socialist Republic?

It's getting closer and closer every day. Bush has sold America out to China, and if Obama gets elected.... well.... we're goners then. We will be praying to Kim Jong Il so fast if Obama gets elected our heads will spin.

Any suggestions for a name for our country? I tried fitting our name into the "PRC" and "USSR" model, but you don't have to.




  1. The 2nd option, please. All hail Kim Jong Il. But I think we will be praying to Chairman Mao, since he's dead and I don't pray to people who are still alive.

  2. The North American Union. This has been all planned for 50 years.

  3. The Popular Democratic American Republic.

    It's coming here to stay.

    There's always Australia.

  4. Estados Unidos, if enough illegals with leftist/communistic tendencies keep coming across the border.

  5. Sorry Robot but your kind will be put in cages and sent to Texas to work on the Bush Ranch.

    Obama 08

  6. lighten up man! its saturday night. go to sizzler then get laid.

  7. Oh, aren't you clever, Bush sold America out to Kim Jong Il already. If Obama gets elected we'll be free again. Not communist nor socialist. Did Bush change our name to the Fascist States of America. The Federation of Fascist American States. Hmm...

  8. Mexico, America and Canada all one country, with a great big super highway right through, and inporting everything from China, and anyone who complains will go to a FEMA camp, or worse, he likes a bit of torture first. And chips in your head.  The land of walking Zombies.

  9. Maybe you should spend more time trying to get the Republicans to stop pandering to the left.. That might stop the dreaded socialism you're so scared of.. So jump on the only "conservative" left.. Ron Paul for pres!!

  10. The name may change but the content will still be the same.

    Self important, arrogant bullies in office who commit aggressive acts around the globe.

    The United States of Shame I say, I hope Obama gets in, maybe your country can get some integrity back.

    On my visits to America I have been moved by the generosity of your people, its a bloody shame you have politicians that don't represent feelings of the majority of Americans.

  11. wow... just...just wow....

    you people are retarded....

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