
What will the effects of a market crash be on society?

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What will the effects of a market crash be on society?




  1. It depends on why and which market crashes. The biggest one day loss  on the stock market was in 1987, and it had almost no real effects where as the 1929 crash ushered in the depression.

    The difference was in 1929 the stock markets brought down the whole financial system, but in 1987 only  investors lost, and most of the loses  were paper gains. The breaking of the dot com bubble in 2000 did little damage to the real economy, and even with  9/11  we   only had  a mild recession. When the market crashes for real economic reason such as run up in oil prices , it is more of a symptom than a cause of the future bad times.

  2. Have you ever heard of the Great Depression?

  3. Don't worry "they" won't allow u 2 know that it ever happened.

    For a long time in our history they were referred to as "panics" and there is a long list of these up to the panic of 1907.  Here's some info

    I had better resources but can't seem to find them.  Well, anyway, the ruling class, the powers that be, whatever you want to call them came to the conclusion that it was not wise to use the word panic.  They reasoned out, all by themselves, that, this might cause panic amongst the citizens.  (IE, don't tell them about the shark, it might cause panic (Jaws), don't tell them about the volcano, it might cause panic, don't tell them about the meteor, it we don't want panic)  u get the idea?

    So, they stopped using the phrase, "financial panic" or any phrase with the word "panic" and replaced it with depression/recession/stagflation and all the other BS.  Then, they found these terms also caused discontent amongst those upon who their idyllic lives depended.  I guess their next ploy was something like, 'Let's pretend we don't know" and ergo, welcome to recent times.  The logic is something like, "If nobody knows what's going on, then everything will be okay"

    Google <financial panics> and similar terms, even wiki has some interesting stuff.

    Incidently, my favorite financial panic is the panic of 37AD,  just think, it took them almost 2000 years to take action with this damaging word.

    My advice is this, Don't panic, have a beer, or an ice cream sunday with your gf/bf/friend/anybody who is not on TV......

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