
What will the liberals in the media do now?

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Having to choose between a black male and a woman?

Oh no

Is the the ultimate conundrum for the poor liberals?

Has McCain given them a CATCH 22?




  1. Since they own they media, you're going to loose.

  2. McCain should also get a Dog for the animal lovers, a Stripper for the fetish lovers, a Femenist, a L*****n & g*y into his party as well, because he needs all the help he can!. Poor McCain I almost feel sorry for him, but then I wake up!..

  3. They'll be damned if they do and damned if they don't

  4. How is Joe Biden going to beat up on  her.  WOW what a choice.

  5. Not at all it's positions not race or gender that are at the heart of this, you're shallow if that's how you make your decisions and I don't know many shallow liberals, conservatives on the other hand, well let's just say ya'll have a lot of parrots in your group

    Can't think for yourselves so Rush and Sean do it for you and all you have to do is repeat that idiocy

  6. Liberals? Um... they'll choose the black dude because most liberals are neither racist nor sexist...

  7. When the women of the world here her speak, they will love her, she's great.

  8. Liberals will pick the right person for the job and that's still Obama.

  9. Are you still trying to say its everyone else who is a racist?

  10. McCain is doing so bad :D

    I think he picked Pawlenty and Pawlenty ACTUALLY SAID NO!

    (Keep in mind that McCain is vouching that we are to shift his drivel message 180 degrees that she is EXPERIENCED enough to be PRESIDENT right now ((or four months from now)))

    Democrats poor nothing!

    McCain has left zero argument for his already made plainly RECKLESS judgement!

    McCain obviously thinks His Turn to grab for the big Chair is a game.

    A complete game.

    Also, keep in mind, this woman, very interesting. I think I LIKE this choice otherwise. Keep IN Mind SHE has apparently decided that this is a wise decision that Makes Sense for McCain's ticket. -given what his line has been about Obama these past many weeks.

    THIS is great!

    McCain thinks he is in High School or something. Ask yourself if I am right or if I am right.

  11. Yep and I'm loving every second of it!  This is beyond WONDERFUL!  

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