
What will the libs say when McCain beats off Obama in the debates?

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What will the libs say when McCain beats off Obama in the debates?




  1. I don't know how the libs would feel, but according to Sinclair, Obama would probably love it

  2. Dude, show some pride, hit the gym, HARD.

  3. McCain beats off Obama????? dude that is sick. And he is going to do it publicly at a debate???? the old dude is too much.  

  4. hahahaha keep dreaming buddy.

    and please...your avatar just made me throwup in my mouth.

  5. I just hope the old boy's colostomy bag doesn't split. They'll be a h**l of a mess!

  6. Will miracles never cease?

  7. Um, yea...They'll have to wake him up first before that happens.  

  8. I dont know what libs will say but if I see McCain with Obama's shlong in hand, I suppose I would expect that he was courting the g*y vote pretty aggressively.

    McCain "beating off" Obama...that's pretty funny.

  9. I thought McCain has put to rest the accusations that he is homosexual?

  10. they will say he cheated by having the questions before hand.

    a better question will be, what will they say when palin schools biden...?

  11. I'm sure you were imagining that in your mind while writing this question.

  12. Umm beats OFF? I think your in the wrong section, try singles and dating!

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