
What will the world be like in 100 years? ?

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Or even 1000 years from now? What sort of technology and culture would you imagine to be in 100 or 1000 years time? Just wondering what others might think about this.




  1. We'll be flying around with jetpacks.

    Tara J is a L*****n.

  2. The world will be purpler, much like the Grimace!

    Nah.  I won't be around to see it in 100 years, so I haven't the foggiest.  I'd have to assume, though, that technology will become more advanced as the population explodes and general education goes downhill.

    Sort of an odd balancing act.

  3. Live past 100 and youll find out

  4. flying cars n space travel!!! More wars n tolerance for glbt....exactly how 100yrs ago woman n pple of color were treated like property...more wars....more terminal illnesses....more wars

    but im sad coz i wont get to travel to space or pilot a flying car!!!!


  5. honeslty anything can happen in the next hundred years, in the past hundred years, we've come from carriages to cars, from paper airplanes to space ships, so anythings possible. the destruction of the human race is also possible, but hopefuly it wont come to tht.

  6. A g*y man/woman will president of the United States of America, and we will have eliminated air polution by up to 80 percent by creating cars that run only on water and solar panals. There will be WATER stations, not gas stations. The World Will Be More at peace because us g**s are the answer to this worlds problem! Because Within us is the power to Love, Fight, and Live like No straight person can ever and will never be able too do!

  7. I bet we get worse  

  8. it's going to be a piece of s h  i t thanks to humans! yup! the f*****k ing technology is going to make everything worst, a living h**l you could say!

  9. Holy c**p I wish I knew. Things probably won't be way too drastically different in 100 years but a thousand or so, yeah I'd LOVE to know. I wish I had a time machine that'd teleport me there or something, or maybe I've just read too many Isaac Asimov novels (but hey he writes some wicked sci fi).

    If the human race is still around (I, for one, am pretty confident we will be) we'll probably have more advanced technology to make space travel easier and scientists may even be able to put together an artificial wormhole or something, to teleport through space in a minimal amount of time. If we do any colonizing on other planets or moons by this time it probably won't be a full blown successful and independent society or anything at that point, most people will most likely still be on earth.

    Currently most scientific advances seem to be more in the areas of diseases and weaponry rather than space travel, and probably in the future humanity will have a much, much better understanding of the human mind. The good thing about this is that many mental disorders will be a thing of the past, but the bad thing is that if someone finds out TOO much brainwashing would also be a lot easier, and that would definitely not turn out pretty.

    I love the idea of the future, because it's so infinite and limitless really, we never know where we'll head to next truly unless we somehow develop psycho-history like in an Asimov novel (which took thousands and thousands of years to develop even a little...).

    I mean if you think about it, look a thousand years ago, or two thousand years ago. Back then no one could imagine what the human race possibly would become, but for us it's easy since we're there.

    If only I was born a few thousand years later. (though i guess this way i can't be disappointed too much if i don't know, heh)

    Yeah I'm a huge nerd I know.

  10. Religion will probably have much less of an influence as technology and human knowledge expands.

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