
What will these puppy's look like?

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My shitzu is pregnant with a mixed breed by accident. When she went in to heat I got him fixed but they tied that night. The father is a cockapoo and min-pin mix. He has the body of the cockapoo. He weights 10.8oz. any ideals? Please no smart a** answers!




  1. Yes it is absolutely possible for him to sire a litter if he was done around the time she was in season.  Why didn't you get her to the vet - he could have given her a pill!!  Still that's after the event.  Thank goodness he's not a big dog or you might need vet advice here.

    Frankly I have no idea what these pups will look like - Heinz 57 or what.  But I expect they will be cute.  Get her spayed once she's reared her litter.

  2. If you got the male fixed when the female went into heat, how could she get pregnant by him?   Sounds as if something else was involved.

    Pups could look like anything, mixes are random.

  3. If he was fixed, then there will be no puppies...

    If they tied and THEN you got him fixed, there MIGHT be puppies.

    But as for what they look like, they'll look like mutts.


  4. The pups won't likely look at all like a min-pin. Probably the body of a shitzu and the fur of the cockapoo. Their personality should be much like  a toy dog. Playful, but not needing too much exercise (daily walk).  

  5. If the male was very recently neutered.. then yes it IS possible for him to have puppies!

    Dogs can have "leftover" sperm in their system up to 30 days after a neuter.  The testicles only make the sperm.. they dont store the sperm!

    No ideas on what this will look like..  each pup will look different.. there's 4 different breeds in the mix, Shih Tzu, Cocker Spaniel, Poodle and Min Pin.. the pups could favor any one of those breeds, or be a complete mix.

  6. First of all what does a cockapoo min pin mix look like.  None of the above are breeds, just say your shitzu got pregnant by your mutt that you didn't have fixed when you should have and forgot to get her spayed too.

    If pregnant you will have more mutts

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